Owner’s Manual
Models: FA610 splash mount
Installation procedure:
Take a moment to view drawings and read “special Installation note” at the end of this manual before proceeding
with installation.
2. **If using splash plate, place plate on back splash immediately over center hole**. If not, slide decorative cap and 2 S.S.
washers over shank. Install new faucet by placing shank through the hole designated for spout.
3. While behind sink install mounting nut over faucet shank and tighten well. (putty may be used around faucet hole to prevent
water from leaking through faucet hole and behind the sink.
4. Fasten street elbow to faucet shank using plumber's tape or putty (not supplied).
Before proceeding to step 5, purge both hot and cold water lines for at least a minute each at high volume. Purging water
lines clears out dirt and debris that would otherwise find its way to screen filter within the solenoid valve.
5. ***For single water source system install
cold water
supply hose to street elbow.
Do not substitute hot water for cold.
6. ***For dual water temp system install supplied hose to mixing valve and then to street elbow.
7. Install hot and cold water supply hoses to mixing valve in no particular order.
8. Turn angle stops on. Check for leaks.
1. Place hands under spout and directly in front of neck mounted sensor, water will begin to flow out in less than a second,
water flow rate is governed by aerator and supply pressure, water temperature is governed by selection at angle stops, as well
as water temperature in supply pipes
. Please remember, automatic faucets employ “presence” not
“motion” sensors. An idle object placed directly underneath spout will immediately
activate faucet.
2. Remove hands and water will cease to flow within 1-3 seconds.
3. If hands are left underneath spout for 60 seconds, water will automatically shut off. To initiate flow again move hands away
from faucet and start at step 1.
4. When attempting to run water over small objects such as tooth brush, it may be necessary to bring object closer to sensor to
initiate water flow, when water begins to flow, move object back under stream of water. Once user “gets the feel” of the
faucet this step may be skipped.
Battery Replacement Instructions:
Batteries should provide 9 to 12 months of reliable service mostly depending on the make of battery used and the frequency of
usage among other factors. Battery weakness is indicated by constantly flashing led light within the sensor capsule. When
replacing batteries please follow these simple steps:
1. Unfasten battery access cap located at the very bottom of faucet. Pull white battery enclosure out of faucet body.
Do not pull
hard, this may cause battery compartment wires to sever.
2. Loosen the 2 Philips screws holding battery enclosure cover on.
3. Replace batteries with
4 AAA Alkaline
batteries, make sure batteries are placed in their proper position.
4. Re-install battery pack into the Faucet body.
5. Test faucet prior to placing battery access cap back on.
6. Place battery access cap back on.
Hand tighten only.