Summary of Contents for X-70A

Page 1: ...flat ratechargesand 180 daywarranty Shipping Information when sending aproduct forrepair we recommend you dothefollowing 1 Alwaysusetheoriginal shipping container and fillermaterialtheproduct waspacked in whenshippingyourproduct 2 Always insure theparcel against damageorlossduring shipment Lowrance doesnot assume responsibilityforgoods lost crdamaged intransit 3 Forpropertesting repair andservice ...

Page 2: ...ves Inc or True Value brand TRUEBOND epoxyor PLASTICWELDERTM epoxy sold by TrueValue storesor Devcon brandPLASTIC WELDERTMepoxy NOTICE Thestoragetemperature foryourunitisfrom 4degrees to 167degrees Fahrenheit 20degrees to 75degrees Celcius Extended storagein temperatures higherorlowerthanspecified willdamagetheliquid crystal displayinyourunit Thistypeofdamage is notcovered bythewarranty Formoreinf...

Page 3: ...cts with quick expertservice andgenuine Lowrance replacement parts If you needservice or repairs contactthe Lowrance Factory Customer Service Department atthetoll free numberlistedbelow Atechnician may beabletosolve theproblemandsaveyouthe inconvenience ofreturning yourunit Youwill beasked foryourunit s serial number 800 347 1014 CanadaOnly Mondaythrough Friday 8 00AM 8 00P M Central Time How to O...

Page 4: ...eisclearance behindtheunitwhenitistiltedforthe bestviewingangle Holesinthebracketbase allowwood screworthrough boltmounting Youmayneedto placeapiece ofplywood onthebackof thinfiberglasspanelstosecurethe mountinghardware Make certainthere isenoughroombehind theunittoattachthepowerand transducercables Youwillneedtodrillaholeinthedashforthepowerand transducercables Thesmallest holethatwillpassonepowe...

Page 5: ...ding to thedrawing shown above Measurecarefullybefore cuttinglAftercuffing the dash placethe gasket supplied withtheX 70Aaroundtheunitand placethe unitinthehole SuppliedwiththeX 70Aarerubberpads bolts washers andcamclamps toattachtheX 70Atothedash Peeltheadhesivebackingofftherubber padsandplaceoneoneachsideoftheX 70Ainthelocationwherethecam clampwill touchthe backside ofthedash Usingthehardware su...

Page 6: ...owersourceaspossible Forexample ifyouhavetoextendthepowercabletothebatteryorpower buss attachoneendofthefuseholderdirectlytothe batteryorpowerbuss Thiswill protectboththeunitand the power cableintheeventofashort The X 70Ausesa3 ampfuse IMPORTANT Donotusethis productwithouta3 amp fusewiredintothepowercable Failuretousea3 ampfusewillvoid yourwarranty Ifyou reinstallinganoptionalspeed temperaturesens...

Page 7: ...ERN Location General INCTHEPRODUCTORFORANYLOSS ORDAMAGE RESULTING FROM ANY OTHER 1 Thetransducer must be placed in alocation that hasasmooth flowof waterat alltimes Ifthetransducer isto be mounted insidethehull CAUSE WHATSOEVER WEWILLNOTUNDER ANYCIRCUMSTANCES BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FORANYSPECIAL CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL OR OTHER INDI RECT DAMAGE OFANYKIND then the chosen location must be in thewater ...

Page 8: ...slow trollingspeeds Follow the procedure listed in the shoot thru hull installation sectionin this manual to determine ifyou can satisfactorily shootthrough the hull TRANSOM MOUNT Assembly 1 Firstattach the mounting bracket s halves togetheras shown below Next slidetherubberpad intothe spacebetween thetwo slots This padkeepstensiononthebracket s latch preventing itfromopening ata lowspeed Don tclo...

Page 9: ...urnedoff F DEPTH FEET lETEMPERATURE cFfl 6 9 rnletu fl 1 12 6 2 Slip the transducer s mounting pad between the bracket s mounting ears Sandwich two internal lockwashers between thetransducer and onesideofthemountingbracket asshown below Place one washeron theotherside ofthetransducer TWO BOLT 4llll1lllllluh1llllllffluI liii 3 Slide themetal sleeve over the bolt Slip the boltand sleeve through the ...

Page 10: ...lowtrollingspeedto seefisharches If the boat ismotionless fish stay inthecone showing onthedisplay as straight horizontal lines NOISE Amajorcauseofsonarproblems iselectrical noise Thisusually appears onthesonar sdisplayasrandompatternsofdotsorlines Inseverecases it can completelycover thescreen with black dots or causethe unit operate erraticly ornotatall Toeliminate orminimizethe effects ofelectr...

Page 11: ...hasfishorevenstructurefromthedisplay Tryusing resistorspark plugsorroutingthesonarunit spowerandtransducercables awayfrom otherelectrical wiring onthe boat Nofisharches when theFish IDfeature isoff 1 Makecertain transducer is pointing straight down This isthe most commonproblemifapartialarchisdisplayed SeetheFishArchsection inyourowner s manualfor moreinformation 39 5 Adjustthetransducer and brack...

Page 12: mountedonthe outside of the hull If not then markthelocation that shot through the hull the bestand follow the instructions on the next pagesforashoot thru hull mounting INNER HULL etc the sensitivity sometimes cannot beincreased enoughto get fish arches Oneofthebestwaystogetfisharches istoexpand or zoom asegment ofthewater Forexample usingthe2Xor4Xzoomfeature Thesmaller the segment the bettert...

Page 13: ...heareais clean dry and free of oil or grease then sand both the inside surface of the hull and theface of the transducer with 100gritsandpaper Thesurfaceofthehull mustbeflatsotheentire transducerfaceisincontact with the hull priorto bonding ss4 2 Follow theinstructions on the epoxypackage and mix it thoroughly Do not mix it too fast as it will cause bubbles to form inthe epoxy NOTElUseonlythe epox...

Page 14: ...transducers giveaccuratebottomreadings eventhoughthebottomsignalismuchwideronthe20degreemodel This is because youareseeing moreofthe bottom Remember the shallow KEYBOARD Thekeyboard haskeysarranged inaverticalcolumnon the left plus a horizontal rowatthebottom Aten keypad andarrowkeysontherightside ofthescreenletsyou enterandchange data onthescreen The keys in theleftcolumnareusedformenuselections ...

Page 15: ... selections and to move objects on the screen ON TheON keyturnstheX 70Aon OFF Pressand HOLDthe Offkeyto turntheX 70Aoff DISPLAY General Thelights are turned onforapproximatelytenseconds whentheX 70Ais firstturnedon Menusappearatthesametime To keepthelightson press thekeyadjacent totheLightlabel Itcontrolsthebacklighting usedonthe displayandkeyboard Ifyoudon twantthelightson waittenseconds and the ...

Page 16: increasing it as the depth in creases The maximum depth thatSCCwillaffectis75 ofthe selected depth range For ex ample ona0 60footrangewith maximum SCC surface clutter will bereduceddownto45feet SURFACE CLUTTER 0 rtyfl grs3 vflt7tjjJa r 12 24 36 48 60 WINDOWS Youcanchange thedisplaysontheX 70Abyusingthewindowsfeature Thisletsyoucustomize displays toyourown fishing orboating situations Thisfeatur...

Page 17: ... press the keyadjacent tothat label The X 70A returns to the sonar screen withthelogsettozero Note Thisfeaturerequires an optional speed temperature sensor To use the windowsfeature firstpresstheWINDOWS key A screen similar to the one shown at right appears The menu on the right side of the screenletsyouswitchbetween the pages ofdisplays These are lettered A through I Group A shows first Press the...

Page 18: ... di rectly under the boat This makesituseful for ice fishing or when you refishing at an chor Since theunitisnotmov ing fish signals are long drawn out lines on a normalchart display FASTRAKconverts thegraph toaverticalbargraphthat withpractice makesauseful additiontofishing atastationary location To turn FASTRAK on press theMENU key then press the key next to the More label until thefourth menu p...

Page 19: ...romrighttoleft Adepthboxatthefarright end ofthelineshows theline s depth Inthe exampleatthetopofthenextpage thechartcursordepth The depth windowappears in the upper right corner of the screen Pressthekeyadjacent to the NEXT WINDOW label to movethrough thewindows Ifyoureachthelastwindow or if you wish to go backwards throughthewindows pressthe key nextto the PREV WIN DOW label Whenthedesired window...

Page 20: ...ppears Notethatturningthezoombar onalso turns thezoom feature Toturnthezoombaroff repeat the above steps until the third menupageappears then press the key adjacent to the Re move Zoom Bar label This removes the zoom bar but unit in the zoom mode See the zoom section for more onthisfeature Remember whentheX 70Aisintheautomatic mode youhavealimited adjustment rangeontheSensitivitycontrol andnocontr...

Page 21: ...ensitivity levels enables youtoseethisdetail butitcanalsoclutterthescreenwithmanyundesired signals Typically the best sensitivity level shows agood solidbottom signal withGrayline andsomesurface clutter WhentheX 70AisintheAutomatic mode thesensitivity isautomatically adjusted to keepasolid bottomsignal displayed plusalittle more This givesitthecapability to show fishand otherdetail However situati...

Page 22: thekeynexttothe AdjustBack light Level label Thescreen shown below appears Now pressthe leftarrowkeytodecrease the light level Presstheright arrow keytoincrease it Thepercentageofbacklightinusechangesasthearrow keysare pressed The bar chartalso gives agraphical indication of the level Afteryou vemade theadjustment press theCLRkeyto erase the menu BACKLIGHTON OFF To turn the back lighting on ...

Page 23: ...YCONTRAST Theunit sdisplaycontrastisadjustabletosuitdifferentlightingconditions Toadjustit firstpressthe menu AUTOMATIC Q 12 tothe AdjustDisplayContrasf label A screen similar to the 24 onebelowappears Nowpress ________ theleftarrow keytodecrease the contrast Press the right arrowkeytoincrease it Press ______ 48 theCLRkeytoerasethemenu 50 To changean upperor lower limitusingthe numbered keys first...

Page 24: ... lastkey Remember theX 70A won ttrackthebottomwhenit s in the manual mode GRAYLINE level also The level chosen by the X 70Aat power on is usually adequateformostconditions Experimentwithyourunittofindthe GRAYLINE setting that s bestforyou T0adJustGRAYLINE pressthe WE 0 MENUkey thenpress thekey j adjacent to the Adjust Chart 12 Grayline label Ascreensimi i 1 lartotheone atrightappears 24 Nowpressth...

Page 25: ...le SinceGRAYLINEshowsthedifferencebetween strongandweaksignals adjustingthesensitivity mayrequire adifferent ALARMS TheX 70Ahasthreedifferent types of sonar alarms ThefirstistheFish Alarm Itsounds whenthe Fish I D featuredetermines an echoorgroup ofechoes isafish Anotheralarm istheZoneAlarmwhichconsistsofabar Anyechothatappears insidethisbar triggersthealarm Thelastalarm is called the DepthAlarm O...

Page 26: ... enters the alarm depthintomemory Nowpressthekeynexttothe Exit label Theshallow alarmisnow set Ifthebottomgoesshallower than10feet the alarmwill soundandawarning messageappearsonthescreen atthesame time Alabelalso appears lettingyoumute thealarm ifdesired ZONEALARM The zone alarm consists of a bar that appears on the right side of the screen Any echo thatappearsonthescreenbe tweenthetopandbottomof...
