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EM   Technical  Note 



September 20, 2005 

Author: Erik 


Subject:  Sound Levels from Kongsberg Multibeams 

The power output level of an echo sounder is normally specified by giving 

its source level in dB relative to 1 


Pa at a distance of 1 m from the 

transmit transducer. However this is really a measure of the pressure 

level of the output sound wave and is only directly applicable in the 

farfield. The intensity (power per unit area) of a sound wave can be found 

from the pressure level by the relation I = p


/ c where   is the water 

density and c the speed of sound. The quantity  c is the acoustic 

impedance of water and for sea water is nominally taken to be 1.5x10






Thus a pressure level in sea water of 1 


Pa is nominally equal to 

an energy intensity of  0.667x10




, and a pressure level of for 

example 210 dB corresponds to an intensity of 667 W/m



In the farfield the pressure level of a sound wave will fall off with the 

square of the distance, this because of spherical spreading of the wave, 

and the wave will be further attenuated due to absorption loss. In the 

nearfield the pressure level will be nominally constant as there is no 

spreading. If the transmit transducer generating the sound wave is 

rectangular, there will be a transition region in which the pressure will 

fall of proportionally to the distance due to cylindrical spreading in the 

direction parallel to the shortest side of the transducer. It may be noted 

that in the nearfield the pressure level will have large variations, with 

peaks up to about twice the nominal level and also deep nulls, this effect 

will however be ignored in this note. 


The source level is given by SL = 170.8 + 10lgP


 + DI. P



is the acoustic 

power which is typically half the electric power applied to the transmit 

transducer. DI is the transducer’s directivity index which for a rectangular 

flat transducer can be approximated by DI = 46.2 – 10lg

x y





are the transmit beamwidths in degrees along and across respectively. 

The relation between beamwidth and transducer array length, L, depends 

upon the applied shading and the number of elements in the array, 

typically it would be   = 65 /L where   is the wavelength. The nearfield 

limit is conventionally given by R = L


/ . 


To derive the pressure levels in the nearfield from the source level of an 

echo sounder one must first calculate the pressure level at the largest 

farfield limit assuming spherical spreading from the 1 meter reference 

level used in defining the source level. From the largest to the smallest 

nearfield limit the pressure level will increase linearly with distance, and 
