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User Manual 1.05

Clouds, the granular synthesis module from Mutable Instruments, was 
discontinued in 2017.  Supercell brings back Clouds in an expansive 34 hp form 
factor, offering an improved user interface and several additional features. 

Dedicated Blend Controls

Clouds offered four useful parameters – Feedback, Stereo Spread (Panning), 
Dry/Wet (Mix), and Reverb (Space) – which were all controlled by one “Blend” 

knob and one CV input. Supercell separates these parameters into individual 

controls with their own CV inputs and inverting attenuators (attenuverters).

Louder Output Levels

The output of Clouds could be somewhat quiet with certain parameter settings. 

Supercell adds an Output control with approxi6 dB of gain, which also 

functions as a master volume control on the final output.

Performance Mutes

The stereo inputs and outputs now have mute switches. When mutes are 
enabled, the red LED on the associated VU meter will remain on at all times and 
the meter will otherwise be disabled. Muting the outputs will silence the audio 
signal path prior to the Space parameter so that reverb tails are not clipped. 

Simplified Time/Quality UI

Tap the TIME switch to cycle between 1, 2, 4, or 8 seconds of sampling time. The 
LED associated with the chosen time value will blink until the buffer has been 
filled with new material. Note that the sample rate also changes in relation to 

the sampling time. Refer to the Clouds manual for details.

Simplified Load/Save UI

To load saved presets, tap the BANK switch to step through the four memory 
banks. Note that a brand new module (or a module that has just received a 
firmware upgrade) will have four empty banks.

A new feature has also been added which reloads the current preset bank 

without cycling through the other three banks first, which may be useful in live  

performance settings. Press BANK while pressing TRIG to reload.

To save the current audio buffer, press BANK for one second to begin the save 

process. Save into the current

 bank by pressing BANK again for one second. 

Alternately, you can select a different bank to save into by tapping BANK briefly 
before saving. The save process will exit after saving is complete. Alternately, 

the save process will be canceled if nothing is saved within five seconds. The 
LED of the last-selected bank will blink ten times before saving is canceled.

Expanded Modulation Options

Each of the nine granular processing parameters has its own CV input with an 

inverting attenuator (attenuverter) to set the level and polarity of external CVs.

Along with patching external CVs directly to each CV input, you may want one 

CV to affect multiple parameters without using splitter cables or a multiple 

module. Patch a CV signa


 into AUX and it will be distributed to all nine of the 

parameters. The attenuverters can still be used to control the modulation depth 

of this distributed CV signal. Patching a different signal directly into one of the 
nine CV inputs will disconnect the AUX signal from that parameter.

There is also a third option for modulation, which involves a fluctuating random 

CV that is internally generated by the module itself. Any unpatched parameter 
inputs will receive this signal automatically (assuming that the AUX input is also 

unpatched, because patching into AUX overrides this internal random CV). The 

attenuverters control the modulation depth here as well. To prevent the internal 
modulation from changing a parameter, set the attenuator to its center position.

Firmware version 1.01 provides a way to change the frequency of the random CV 
changes. Press and hold the TRIG switch and then turn the PAN knob until the 

HOLD LED starts to blink. The randomization frequency will change when the 

TRIG switch hold is released. Return the Pan knob to its original position if 

needed. The available range is from 1 Hz to 100 Hz.

To disable the internal random CV, press both of the mute switches for about 
two seconds. There is no visual feedback to indicate the current state of the 

modulation, so try setting the Pitch attenuator to its maximum position in order 

to determine whether the randomization is enabled or disabled.

Stereo Input/Output VCAs

The inputs and outputs now include stereo VCAs and separate VU meters. The 
knobs for Input and Output function as DC offsets for their respective VCAs, 
setting the modulation baseline when the VCA inputs are patched, so turn these 

knobs to their minima if you want to use unipolar CV sources like envelopes. CV 
signals affect the left and right channels equally. If you prefer to modulate the 

left and right channels separately, this can be accomplished with external VCAs.

Exponential and Linear Pitch Control

The PITCH parameter is now controlled by two separate CV inputs. The V/OCT 
input is exponential and the Pitch input is linear (with an attenuverter). When 

both inputs are used, the two voltages are summed. Note that on Clouds, the 

PITCH input was used for calibration since it was the module’s only 1V per octave 

CV input. On Supercell, the V/OCT input should be used for calibration instead. 
See the calibration section below for details.

Trigger Switch

Clouds had a trigger/gate input for generating individual grains. Supercell adds 

a manual TRIG switch that performs the same function. It’s particularly useful 
with some of the alternate firmware modes such as Beat Repeat. This switch is 
also used for the quick reload function and adjustment of the internal random 
voltage generator’s clock rate. See the notes above for details.

Alternate Modes

The alternate modes from Clouds remain accessible. Hold the TIME switch to 
see which mode is currently active and tap TIME to select a new mode. If the 
default Supercell firmware is installed, the 1/2/4/8 LEDs will correspond to the 

Granular Processor, Pitch Shifter, Looping Delay, and Spectral Madness modes 

from Clouds, respectively. To exit without changing modes, wait five seconds 
and the mode selection process will automatically exit. The LED of the selected 
mode will blink ten times before selection is canceled.

Firmware Updates

Supercell supports the audio-based WAV file firmware update method used on 
the original Clouds. First, unpatch all inputs and outputs, then connect your 
computer or smartphone to the LEFT audio input of Supercell using a standard 
patch cable. Power on your modular system while pressing the HOLD switch. 

The red HOLD LED will blink slowly, indicating that the module is waiting for 

data. Set the INPUT knob to its center position, then play the WAV file from your 

audio device. The red LED will blink rapidly, indicating that data is being 
received, with occasional pauses in between. The process takes a bit more than 
two minutes and the module will reboot once the update is complete.

If the red LED stops blinking for more than a few seconds, and the yellow 

Time/Bank LEDs are blinking instead, the update has failed. Repeat the steps 
above but change the INPUT volume on Supercell or the output volume on your 

audio device so that only the green LEDs on the VU meters are illuminated.

Note that performing firmware updates will clear any saved audio clips stored in 

the four BANK slots.


Calibration should be performed after making firmware updates. Otherwise 
certain CV inputs and parameter ranges will not be properly scaled.

1. Power on your modular system while holding the TRIG switch. The input VU 

meter will start to blink.

2. Patch a cable into the V/OCT input (not the Pitch input) and send a 1V DC 

offset into the module. Many Eurorack modules can generate DC offsets but you 
will need some way to measure the voltage. Use a digital multimeter or an 

oscilloscope module like the Mordax DATA to generate precise values. Once a 1V 
signal is present at the V/OCT input, tap the TRIG switch.

3. The output VU meter will start to blink. Now change the 1V DC offset to 3V 

instead, then tap the TRIG switch once more. The calibration process will then 

be completed and the module will return to normal operation.

If calibration fails, try again (which will require power cycling your modular 
system) and be sure that your CV source is providing the correct DC offset levels.
