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Summary of Contents for JVM132J

Page 1: ...l Numbers 2 Control Panel 6 Power Levels 6 8 9 12 30 Cooking Complete Reminder 7 Precautions 2 5 Cooking Guide 19 25 Problem Solver 30 Defrosting Guide 17 18 SafetyInstructions 2 5 Delayed Cooking 8 Time Cook 12 Exhaust Feature 6 27 Time Defrost 9 Extension Cords 29 warranty Back Cover Features 7 Glossaryof MicrowaveTerms 13 Grease Fiker 27 GEAmwer Cente Grounding Instructions 29 8tU162tt2000 Mode...

Page 2: ... aroundthedoor Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase s Dimmingovenlightandchange in blowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingat powerlevelsother thanhigh o Dullthumpingsoundwhileoven is operating SomeTV Radiointerference mightbe noticedwhileusingyour microwaveoven it ssimilarto the interferencecausedbyothersmall appliancesanddoesnotindicatea problemwithyouroven If you need W rvk Toobtainservice seethe Co...

Page 3: ...This microwaveovenis specifically designed to heatorcookfood andis not intended forlaboratory or industrialuse sReadand followthespecifk pREcAuTK NsTO A m POSSIBLEEXPOSURETO EXCESSIVEMICROWA ENERG17 011 page2 I his appliancemustbe grounded Connectonlyto properly groundedoutlet See GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS onpage oForbestoperation plug thisapplianceintoitsown electricaloutlet9 topreverit 28 flickerin...

Page 4: ...gthefloor duringandaftercooking Foods cooked in iiquids suchas pasta maytendto boil overmorerapidlythanfoods containinglessmoisture Shouldthisoccur refer to the CamandCleaningsection s for instructionscmhowto cleanthe insideof theoven 1 herrmometer Do not usea thermometerinfoodyouare microwavingunlessthe thermometeris designedor recommendedforusein the microwaveoven Plastic cookware Plastic cookwa...

Page 5: ...heflames Keephoodand grease filters dem9accordingto instructionsin theExhaust Featuresection to maintain goodventingandavoidgrease fires SAVETHESE INSTRUCTIONS optionalAccessories Availableat extracostfrom yourGE supplier IX40WH Fib PalBell Kit JX81Acharcoal Firer Kit formm ventedinstallation Thismicrowaveovenis IL listedforinstallationover electricandgasranges THEEXHAUST HOOD Have it installedand...

Page 6: ...notherpower eve ntimberif yOLIwantto change fromautomaticpowerlevel 10 High for cookingor powerlevel 3 1 ow fordefrosting 1 START kWS yCH 1 to I13 NT2 yOLl Oven t begin cmkinq al a selectedtimeof diiy L 0 a 12 hOLl delay f a J e 4 1 I EIICzlmmm CElmmmm EIEIltmc E53 L L I 6 1 l l I f L lEm Ei lia b 8 VENT FAIN press HI 1 0 or OFF forthedifferentfan speeds 9 AUTO DEFROST Touchthis pad andenterfoodwe...

Page 7: ...essON NIGHTor OFF 2 Door Latches whentheovenis operating 9 Grease Filters 3 DoorScreen Metalscreen 7 TouchControlPaneland 10 permitsviewingof foodsandkeeps Digititd Display Fordetailed 11 microwavesconfinedinsideoven informationoneach feature see 4 lMocM andSerialNumbers theControll mel section CooktopLight oven Floor Thisis to certifythatthis C F M SONES Lmit hasbeentestedin ilto lowcl 6 3Vert co...

Page 8: ...ingis automaticallyseton powerlevel3 butcanbe changed by touchingthePOWERLEVEL padandthe desiredpowerlevel n MIN SEC TIMER Step 4 Setstandingor holdtime by touchingMIN SECTIMER Step5 Touch1 0 0 andOto hold for tenminutes Step6 TouchTIMECOOK I II Step 7 Touch2 5 0 anclOfor 25 minutesof cookingtime D START Step 8 TouchSTART As eachfunctionisautomatically performed ovendisplayshows instructionsentere...

Page 9: ...ckage Forevendefrosting somefoods needto be brokenupor separated partof the way throughthe defrostingtime Ft mily size pre packagedfrozen dinnerscanbe defrostedand microwaved If thefoodis in a foilcontainer transferit to a microwave safedish gCheckthe DefrostingGuidefor otherdefrostingtips Questions and SW S Q when I pressSTART I km a dull t lamping noise Whatisit A Thissoundis normal It is lettin...

Page 10: ...nces SeeConversionGuide atright D START 4 TouchSTARTpad Display showsthe ovenpowerleveland defrosttimecountingdown Twiceduringdefrosting the ovenbeeps4 timesand 6 TURn Y flashes Followthedirectionsin the AutoDefrostGuideforwhat to do at the firstandsecondsignal Thenclosethe doorandtouch START stand The AfterAutoDefrosting meatneeds to standinorderto lettheinside defrost Youmaytakethefoodout oftheo...

Page 11: ...hieldif necessary Steak 0 1 5 0 Ibs Turnoverandshield I 15 30minutes Stew I O 5 0 Ibs I Separate andremove defrosted pieces I 15 30minutes WholeChicken 0 1 5 0 lbs Turnoverandshield 15 30minutes run coldwater in cavity TurkeyBreast 0 1 5 0 lbs Turnoverandshield 60 90minutesin breastsideup refrigerator ChickenPieces I 0 1 5 0 lbs I SeparateandremovedefrostedPieces I 15 30minutes ComishHens whole 0 ...

Page 12: ...o it Step 1 Placefoodinovenin microwave safe cxmtaincr and closethedoor n TIMECOOK Im Step2 TouchTIMECOOKI H Step3 Selectyourcookingtime Forexample touch2 1and5 for twominutesand 15seconds Step4 TouchTIMECOOKI II Step5 Setyourcookingtime Howto ChangePowerLevel Aftersettingcookingtime touchPOWERLEVELpad hentouchdesirednumberfor newpowerlevel Step V hen timeis u 3 the oven signals and fiashe n The O...

Page 13: ...ver browning When microwaving you usesmallstripsof foil to shieldihin parts such m the tipsof wingsand legson poultry which wou id cook before iargerparts Arcing Sparkscausedby toomuchmetalinthe microwaveovenor metaltouchingthesideof theoven or foilthatis notmoldedto food PrickFoodsto ReleasePressure Steambuilds up pressure in foods that caretightly covered by a skin or membrane Rick foods such as...

Page 14: ...t babyfoodinjars evenwithoutlids becausefoodwillheatunevenly Do notwarmfoodsinnarrow necked bottlesbecausepressurecan buildup Cookingandheating Heatingandservingof foodsandbeverages Styrofoamwillmeltif foodis toohotor if foodis cookedfor a longtime Cookingandheating Heatingandsomecooking Followdinnerwaremanufacturer s recommendations Avoidusingdisheswithmetaltrim Absorbingmoisture andpreventingspa...

Page 15: ...asticwrap Microwavepastrybitesuncoveredto retaintheircrispness Bakery Foods Calm coffeecake doughnuts sweetrolls 1piece nutor fruitbread 2 pieces 4 pieces 9 in cakeor r sor doughnuts Ilinnerrolls muffins 4 6108 Pie fruit nutorcustard I slice 1slice l 8 of9 in pie s ic s useminimumtimeforcustarci 4 slices 9 in pie Low 3 Low 3 Low 3 Low 3 Medium 5 Medium 5 Medium 5 Medium 5 High 10 High 10 Meal High...

Page 16: ...p Cm crplateof foodwithwaxpaperor plasticwrap Smdw khes Xieat cheese filling with 2 slices of bitiid 1102servings Mcd Hig 7 2 to4 min 3 to4 servings Mcd lfigh 7 4 to 6 min hoist filling Sloppy IOCS barbccuc hamsiIlad 1to 2 servings h4cd High 7 2 to4 min etc inbun 1 3cupper serving 3 to4 servings Mccl High 7 4 to 6 mini Tip Usepapertowelornupkin ocoversandwiches soups Milk based 6 oz pcrserving 1 o...

Page 17: ... Freshlyfrozen 1lb 4105 5tc 7 fhd f h blocks Crabmeat 1 02 package Oysters 12 oz can 4 to6 4 06 Scallops I lb package 4 to6 4106 Shellfish large Cmbkgs 1to2 2 to 3 2t03 8to 10oz Lobsterttiils 1 o2 3t04 3 04 6to9 oz ShclHish smallpieces 3tr 4 3104 1 lb Steaks 6 to 12oz 2t03 ncm whole fish 8fc 10 oz 3 2t04 Placeunopenedpackitgcinoven Iffishis frozeninwitter placein cookingdish Turnpackageoverafterfi...

Page 18: ...f time Defrostforsecondhalfoftime Letstandfor30 minutesto 1hourinrefrigerator Turnoverafterfirsthalfof time Letstand5 minutes Turnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Letstand 15minutes Rotatepackage1 4turnafterfirsthalfoftime Let stand5 minutes Turnoverandseparateafterfirsthalfof time Removepattiesas theythilW Placeunwrapped ribsincookingdish Turnoverafterfirsthalfof time Aftersecondhalfof time separatepiece...

Page 19: ...shwithdrinkinggiasspiacedopen end up incenter cakes and Desserts L Aiwaysusemicrowave safe cookware 4 Coolcakeindishsetdirectlyonheat proofsurfaceor wooden 2 Beforeaddingmeasuredamountof bittter greasedishesor iine board10 o i5 minutesbeforeinverting themwithwaxpaper Donotflour 5 Crustoncakeswiilbe soft If cakeis tobe frosted ref rigcriite 3 Cakesaredonewhentootilpickor iongskewerinsertedinto cake...

Page 20: ...butter Add 10 oz packagemarshmallows coverwithwaxpaperandmicrowave to melt Stirin 5 cupscrispyricecereal Pressfirmlyintobuttered2 qL oblong glassdish Covergrahamcrackerwithchocolate andmarshmallow Cereal andEticx L Alwaysusemicrowave safe cookware 4 Stiror rearrangeafterhalfof cookingtime 2 Forminuterice usethesameamountof waterneededfor 5 Microwavetimeandcwwentimd boilingtimeareabout conventional...

Page 21: ...ightly melted Heat2 cupshottapwater5 to 6 minutes on High 10 Breakeggsontoplate puncturemembrane Swirlboilingwater withspoon slipineggsgently Cover Microwaveat Medium 5 1 2to 1min peregg Letstandin watera few minutes Pour filling intoprecookedshell Scramble eggswith1teaspoon butterand1 table poon milkperegg Placeinovenand microwave forhalfoftotaltime Stirset portions fromtheoutside tothecenter Let...

Page 22: ...renclosingroastincookingbag placeinmicrowave safe dish If yoLJ use u mot thermometer whilecooking make sureit is sateforuseinmicrowave ovens m Power Level Time Food Container Cover orInternal Temp Comments Bed Ground crumbled Casserole forcasseroles or soup 1H 1x ihs Meatballs Rounddish 1 lb b i vfeatioaf Picplate Roundloaf P ittk s Ccrarnic iinner 4pattiespmlb plate 1to2 patties 3 to4 patties Pot...

Page 23: ...r Cookingbag Waxpaper Plasticwrap Cookingbag Waxpaper Waxpaper High 10 High 10 Medium 5 High Medium 5 Medium 5 High 10 High 10 3 4to 1min 1to 1Xmin 2 to2Xmin 2 4to 3 min 15to 19min perlb 18to27min 15to 18min 18to 20min 15to 18min perlb 1to 1Hmin perlink 5 to7 min Arrangein singlelayeronpapertowels Coverwitha papertowel Arrangeinsinglelayer Placefat side down indish Turnham overafterhalfof cookingt...

Page 24: ... Saltingbeforecookingmaycause onccornerto vent darkeninganddehydrationof surface S Largervege ablc pieceswilltakelongertocookthan 3 Arrangevegetables suchasasparagus withthethickestpiecesto snudlcrpieces theoutsideof thedish 6 Formoreevenheating stiror rearrangevegetables duringcooking Vegetabk Amount PowerLevel Time Comments Aspfl agus freshcut lb 3CUPS cut High 10 5 to9 min In2 qt casserole plac...

Page 25: ... 1 clt casserole place2 tablespoons water 8 to 12min 13to 16min 9 4to 11min 6 to8 min 4 to5 min perear 7 to8 min 4 to5 min perear 8 to 10min 10to 11min 5tO 7min 12to 16min 3 to4 min perpotato 7 to9 min 8to10min 7 to 10min 10to 13min In1 4 qt casserole place1 2 cupwater In2 qt casserole place 1 2cupwater In I qt casserole place2 abIespoons water In1 qt casserole place2tablespoons water Inuroundbaki...

Page 26: ...S SUCH AS CLEANING POWDERS OR STEEL ANDPLASTIC PADS THEYWILLMARTHE SURFACE Specialnotewhenusing Brown NSeardish Ifgreaseis present highheatgenerated on bottom ofaBrown NSeardish maycausethe greasetobumonto theovenfloor Thismaybe removed withacleanser suchas BonAmi W brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmiR brand cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly followinginstructionson can Do notuseBonAmi brandcleanser cmthe ...

Page 27: ...forereplacing Toreplacegreasefilter slidethe filterin theframesloton theback of theopening 11 Pullfilterupwardandto the front to lockintoplace Chmmd Filter on somemodels Some modelsarenotven ed to he outdoors they recirculate the air instead These models areequippedwitha disposable charcoalfiiterthathelpsremove smokeandodorscausedby cooking on yoL r range ll edisposablecharcoalfilter Should be rep...

Page 28: ...ten Usea solution of warmwateranddetergent About 1 ablespoonof ammonia maybe addedto thewater Take care not to touchthe filtersand enamelsurfaceswiththissolution ammoniawilldarkenmetal 28 GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS Thisappliancemustbe grounded IrIthe eventof an electricalshort circuit groundingreducesthe risk of electricshockby providingan escapewirefortheelectriccurrent Thisappliailceis equippedwitha...

Page 29: ...perature fooddensityor amountof foodsin oven TouchTIMECOOKI 11padandadditionalcookingtime forcompletion oIncorrectpowerlevelentered CheckCookingGuidefor recommendedpowerlevel s Dishwasnot rotated h wned orstirred Rune dishesrequires eciflc instructions CheckCookingGuideor recipefor instructions Toomanydishesin ovenat sametime Cookingtimemustbe increasedwhen cookingmorethanonefooditem CheckCookingG...

Page 30: ...rts anci allGECknuirte RenewalPartsare ftdlywarranted VISA MasterCarci and Discovercards are acceptmi User maintenance instructions contained in this booklet cover proce dures intended to be performed by anyuser CMlwr servicing generaify should be referred to qualified ser vice perwmnel Caution must be exercised since improper servicing may cause unsafe Qpemticm Whateveryourquestion about any X ma...

Page 31: ...vice duringwarrantyperiod or beyond call800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 H K3 NOTCQVERED sSetvicetripstoyourhometoteach eReplacement of housefusesor youhowto usetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers a Readyour UseandCarematerial oFailureoftheproductif it is usedfor if youthenhaveanyquestions otherthanitsintendedpurposeor aboutoperatingtheproduct please usedcommercially contactyourdealerorour ConsumerAffa...
