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Содержание Hextreme FPV 550 RI Edition

Страница 1: ...A 5 E Assem Ver Pre Feb 550 RI dition bly Ma rsion 1 11 liminar ruary 2014 anual 1 ry 4...

Страница 2: ...t limited to the DJI NAZA with the DJI NAZA GPS or DJI NAZA V2 with the DJI NAZA GPS V2 are recommended The following flight controllers have been used successfully with the HexTreme o DJI Naza M w DJ...

Страница 3: ...with lon xTreme g gear legs a re two arms o t flying whe In this confi iguration how the front two HexTreme Asse figurations Y latively mino re different en has one of the hotography a w when shoot w...

Страница 4: ...ched be and lower pla hrough the m on the plates d to the end o e three motor motor arms mble the way uts tightened m channels c truction i ctly follow th chment 8 B etween the m te with the 3 main lo...

Страница 5: ...arm at a ti l arms are att r d look like the the motor w ed to secure ge of the mai iddle screw h motor arm He d into the upp his point you the center are ke the follow me and loose tached Tight e fo...

Страница 6: ...ny he frame at s on Board ep 1 above BE N20 FS675 N e power distr oard is instal pass it all the w orresponding ss through th rds See diagr soldered to th ld the nylon s Then put th of the holes o to...

Страница 7: ...ldere on board whe hten these nu essive torque irectly oppos s are quite ea a mandatory r tighten or y the power dis or the ESCs distribution b of the power ed to it Insur en you tighte uts you WILL s...

Страница 8: ...not matt the three bla ESC to each m the three blac the three bla or arm In ot o a black wire he bundled wires to the m otice a flat rec o the frame tape We rec ack wires into er ESC C bove eed contr...

Страница 9: ...t you touch or you ctrically seal t ow avoid running in the main u e precisely in ficult to do In main upper a with the ESC he ESC to the e connectors u avoid having could have a the gap or yo the six...

Страница 10: ...from ea quivalent ag from the m ws You will us a later step W he motor arm of the screw h motor in plac ed in Loctite T the motor D ve motors Se three motor w at you will mo troller calibra ontroller...

Страница 11: ...ompartm om the kit ent Plates H0 ng Plate H00 Plate H006A_ ylon Spacers lon Spacers ts HW3N crews HW50 crews HW22 ews HW08 m te has tabs on f the short sid mounting plat W50 screws a plates with a men...

Страница 12: ...rews and H ery compartm t this point th te and affix it ck nut To ke s with the cor HS3N lock nu ment should lo e battery com t to the batte ep the camer rresponding h ts as shown b ook like the fo mp...

Страница 13: ...then through en wrench to pacer over the on the batter mount facing t are aligned ng screws and ery compartm one of the fou h the correspo o hold the scr e screw and t ry compartme the front of th Re...

Страница 14: ...810 nylon e as shown be ack black leg Gear Atta om the kit GHRA lon Spacers ts HW3N Screws HW18 m c bags mes with enou anding gear l n spacers and elow Two of g opposite the achment FS810 8 ugh parts...

Страница 15: ...tes A om the kit g plate H007 s HW3N crews HW20 P10A etry transmit ing plate TXM s HW3N rews HW18 P10A m m for use wit attaching the t mounting p hat you moun ur discretion RP10A on t at this proced A...

Страница 16: ...he tr for the other ransmitter pla on the plate me retainer on ransmitter pla r side of the t ate choose a TXMTA on t n the other sid ate Fasten w transmitter pl another arm a the side of a m de of th...

Страница 17: ...a ment ional and can to the unders peel off the p ue LED strips his manner it air er wires con to position th upper lowe Use the cab avoid having the two black arm coming o n be attached side of the...

Страница 18: dire will install a re m with the sa all a plastic sh ters each th xTreme you w ied hub shaft ee below hment 5CFNP 05CFRP the propeller chment Philip operly you w tated by your ection you w everse...

Страница 19: ropeller is ins eller and insta five propeller motor shaft in that you hav ur flight contr stalled all the all the propel s nsuring that it ve the correct oller way down on ler shaft nut a t is o...

Страница 20: V05 cro strips mply cut six s spond to the a he cut Velcro lip of the dom same manne he motor arm lic Dome 5B mall squares attachment p by peeling of me meets the er to the dom ms See picture of th...

Страница 21: ...your Hex ase refer to yo structions you enjoy fly xTreme should our flight con ying your HexT d look substa ntroller and ac Treme as we ntially like th ccessories ma did designing he following anuals...

Страница 22: ...ached be and lower pla hrough the m on the plates d to the end o e three motor motor arms mble the way uts tightened m channels c truction i chment 8 B etween the m te with the 3 main lower pla s Atta...

Страница 23: ...arm at a ti l arms are att r d look like the the motor w ed to secure ge of the mai iddle screw h motor arm He d into the upp his point you the center are ke the follow me and loose tached Tight e fo...

Страница 24: ...ny he frame at s on Board ep 1 above BE N20 FS675 N e power distr oard is instal pass it all the w orresponding ss through th rds See diagr soldered to th ld the nylon s Then put th of the holes o to...

Страница 25: ...ldere on board whe hten these nu essive torque irectly oppos s are quite ea a mandatory r tighten or y the power dis or the ESCs distribution b of the power ed to it Insur en you tighte uts you WILL s...

Страница 26: ...not matt the three bla ESC to each m the three blac the three bla or arm In ot o a black wire he bundled wires to the m otice a flat rec o the frame tape We rec ack wires into er ESC C bove eed contr...

Страница 27: ...t you touch or you ctrically seal t ow avoid running in the main u e precisely in ficult to do In main upper a with the ESC he ESC to the e connectors u avoid having could have a the gap or yo the six...

Страница 28: ...from ea quivalent ag from the m ws You will us a later step W he motor arm of the screw h motor in plac ed in Loctite T the motor D ve motors Se three motor w at you will mo troller calibra ontroller...

Страница 29: ...n Spacers ts HW3N crews HW50 crews HW22 m te has tabs on f the short sid mounting plat W50 screws a plates with a screws throu and nuts No ment Asse 003A_R1 04A_R1 FS820 FS815 n the short en de of the...

Страница 30: ...way through o then through en wrench to pacer over the on the batter n the battery ng screws and ery compartm one of the fou h the correspo o hold the scr e screw and t ry compartme compartmen d tigh...

Страница 31: ...Lock Nuts Tools ench 2 0mm r or wrench t the FPV cam ck nuts and in lled the FPV c mera and G om the kit ting Plate H0 g Plate H007 lon Spacers crews HW20 s HW3N m mera mountin nstall on the m camera...

Страница 32: ...ll on the m st mounting p reme main bo plate H007A_ main HexTrem plate is moun ody Once in _R1 take thre me copter fra ted directly o stalled the G ee HW20 scre me as shown opposite the F GPS mast mou...

Страница 33: ...s shown be sponding ba Gear Atta om the kit GHRA ylon Spacers ts HW3N Screws HW18 m c bags mes with enou ur landing gea responding H elow Two of ck black mo achment FS810 8 ugh parts for t ar legs Eac...

Страница 34: A om the kit g plate H007 s HW3N crews HW20 P10A etry transmit ing plate TXM s HW3N rews HW18 P10A m m for use wit attaching the plate s To in he GPS plate t r HexTreme b the motor ar RP10A on t at...

Страница 35: ...he tr for the other ransmitter pla on the plate me retainer on ransmitter pla r side of the t ate choose a TXMTA on t n the other sid ate Fasten w transmitter pl another arm a the side of a m de of th...

Страница 36: ...a ment ional and can to the unders peel off the p ue LED strips his manner it air er wires con to position th upper lowe Use the cab avoid having the two black arm coming o n be attached side of the...

Страница 37: dire will install a re m with the sa all a plastic sh ters each th xTreme you w ied hub shaft ee below chment 5CFNP 05CFRP the propeller chment Philip operly you w tated by your ection you w everse...

Страница 38: ropeller is ins eller and insta five propeller motor shaft in that you hav ur flight contr stalled all the all the propel s nsuring that it ve the correct oller way down on ler shaft nut a t is o...

Страница 39: V05 cro strips mply cut six s spond to the a he cut Velcro lip of the dom same manne he motor arm lic Dome 5B mall squares attachment p by peeling of me meets the er to the dom ms See picture of th...

Страница 40: ...njoy fly xTreme should er batteries y to fly HexTre our flight con ying your HexT d look substa etc are not i eme ntroller and ac Treme as we ntially like th ncluded with ccessories ma did designing h...
