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The Dell  



The Dell Precision™ R5400 is a high performance dual socket 2U rack workstation that provides an  

industry-standard alternative to blade workstations providing fully scalable high performance graphics options.

A rAck WorksTATion ThAT is Big on PerformAnce AnD flexiBiliTy 

Looking for a high-end workstation that delivers world class performance and exceptional processing and graphics 

power but is engineered for a high density rack environment? Then look no further. Developed in close collaboration 

with hardware and software partners, the Dell Precision R5400 rack workstation delivers no compromise, high 

performance workstation technologies in a flexible 2U chassis – an ideal solution for centralizing critical customer data 

and workstation assets in secure locations (data-centers, OEM customer enclosures, etc.). This is particularly attractive 

for high performance clusters/render farms, crowded heat, and acoustically sensitive environments like financial trading 

or factory floors. Optimized for performance, reliability, and scalability in environments where space is at a premium, the 

Dell Precision R5400 lets you power through complex tasks with configuration options simply not available on blade 

workstations today. 

VisuAl reAlism WiTh high-PerformAnce oPengl grAPhics

Dell Precision offers an intelligent selection of high-performance graphics cards that can satisfy a range of customer 

needs, from outstanding OpenGL


 3D performance to dependable 2D performance. With its two PCIe x16 slots, the R5400 

is well equipped to house high-performance graphics cards to help meet the toughest of visualization challenges. Select 

from a wide range of industry standard cards while retaining the option to change or upgrade at a later date.

oPTimAl scAlABiliTy in A comPAcT 2u chAssis 

The Dell Precision R5400 provides a highly scalable, cost-effective architecture that can easily be housed in a rack without 

the expense and potential redundant rack space associated with an enclosure for blades. Workstations address many 

different user needs and run a wide variety of applications using graphics and other industry standard cards. The flexibility 

of this rack workstation is enhanced by a choice of PCI, PCIx, or PCIe slot combinations in addition to the graphics slots 

making it easy to optimize for a particular solution.

PeAce of minD Through isV APPlicATion cerTificATion 

Dell partners with leading ISVs to certify system and application compatibility to ensure optimized performance in 

demanding workstation environments. And, to assure access to the latest productivity enhancing technology solutions, 

Dell invests in the workstation ISV community by providing the hardware platforms needed to further multithreaded and 

64-bit application development. By maintaining strong relationships with ISV application developers, Dell engineers can 

provide ongoing optimization and support, should you need it.

ADVAnceD remoTe Access To The PerformAnce of The r5400 

The full performance of the Dell Precision R5400 can be accessed by using the optional Dell FX100 Remote Access 

Device. As part of Dell’s Flexible Computing initiative, this solution (host card and remote user portal) benefits from having 

dedicated hardware that leaves the workstation’s CPU and network resources available to run the chosen applications. A 

more flexible and low-cost alternative to traditional wired KVM remote solutions, the FX100 can deliver an outstanding 

remote user experience (network infrastructure dependent). Please refer to the Dell FX100 Remote Access Device product 

brochure for more information on this world-class solution.

A neW soluTion for some olD chAllenges 

The Dell Precision R5400, with the optional remote access solution, offers advanced relevant technologies designed to 

overcome some tough traditional challenges and succeed where other solutions have struggled to deliver:


• Centralizing critical data and applications in a secure location



• Eliminating the need for workstation users to be in inhospitable areas 



• Enabling high-performance clustering using GPGPUs (General Purpose GPUs) 



• Retaining benefits of a standards-based workstation 



• Addressing the distance limitations of traditional wired KVM solutions with optional Dell FX100
