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Boxee Box


StreaM, Sort, anD play Digital MeDia on your tV

MultiMedia For HdtV

enjoy your favorite multimedia content at 

1080p (Full HD) on your HDtV

innoVatiVe design

the remote control includes a QWerty-

style keyboard for fast and easy input 

reVolutionary interFace

effortlessly browse through a limitless collection of online 

movies, music, and web content

unliMiteD internet Content on your HDtV

High-definition television sets (HDtVs) are becoming a common sight in the home, yet the amount of High Definition (HD) content available for these televisions 

is often limited to expensive Blu-ray™ discs and satellite services. Consumers who want to take their HDtV experience to the next level are turning to Boxee. 

the Boxee Box allows you to view a wealth of free, high-quality HD content on your HDtV through your home internet connection. access content from 

youtube™, MtV™, Shoutcast™, and thousands of other on-demand internet media sources.


Mult SoCial netWorking = aWeSoMe

Boxee is the first media center to integrate with social networks such as twitter and Facebook, allowing you to recommend movies, tV shows, and songs to 

your friends, and also see which shows they are watching. Boxee’s open system means that new content is constantly being added everyday. all of your latest 



 movies, Cnn™ news feeds, and pandora™ song recommendations are available as soon as you turn on your Boxee Box.


giVe your MeDia ColleCtion a neW liFe

if you have your own collection of downloaded multimedia content, Boxee will automatically sort and present it in media library complete with cover artwork, 

optional subtitles, and synopses. Just connect an external hard drive or flash storage drive via uSB, or share media files from your computer over your home 


eaSy to Set up anD eaSier to uSe

Wireless n support and an easy-to-connect HDMi interface help to eliminate the typical jumble of unsightly cables. Just plug in the power, connect it to your 

tV, and the Boxee Box is ready to go. Boxee’s famous 10-foot interface, specially designed for HDtV screens, makes it easy to control your Boxee experience 

from the comfort of your couch. effortlessly browse the web and enter text using the QWerty keyboard on the back of the remote.

Boxee Box
