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Summary of Contents for APP2440

Page 1: ...llowto gctthe most lromyour Cfiinney CanoflyEnractor APP2iUO TPP2442 TPP2540 APP2542 APP2543 ...

Page 2: ...ents o2a3 Part ldentification lnstallation a 4 5 Decorative chimney a 6 7 Alternative Methods of Extraction o I operating YourExtractor cleaning o S Electrical Connections o 0 NotworkingProperty o I I i2 N tonths Guarantee ol ...

Page 3: ...screws a ceiling lixing bracket adeflectorand awa lfixinglemplate drawing andaducting connector o2 IETTENT tnniEatcauflo oNIn A M ITTBASE cElttilaEBrcfrE Cfl MtfiXIEIEIE0P E f0PSEE Il0ll l _ L l You may find plaslicductingadaptorshavebeen supplied withyourextractor These canbeused onthe extractoroutlet andducting connector 7 t_ Unrm Wllu lwnn ...

Page 4: ...the extractor inlo position via these fixings 65nn Mih Two furlher holes B areprovided inlherearofthe e ilractor forfixing When theextrac torisinthecorrect position mark lhrough lhese holes anddrilllhe surfaceio which lhe exlractor js lo befined Useappropriate fixings forthetypeofwall Youmayneedto purchase thecofiectfixings iflhe onessupplied arenotadequale if indoubt consull anexp6rt NOTE Adaptor...

Page 5: ...nposilion onthewal lhebrackel needsto bepositioned direclly above theextractor outlelonthecelling orotherappropriate surface Usea spiritlevel anda stralght edgetoensure it issquare totheextraclor DIAO I 50mm EXrERNAL EXTRACTION STAGES OFFITTINGI REF DIAG2 2A Extraclor inposition ceiling bracket lnplaceandducting work cornpteleo 28 Fitthechimney partstogelher 2C Fitthechlmney inpositlon andsecure t...

Page 6: ... section ontolheex lraclorvialhefourfixing holes Access tothefourfixing holesisviathetwoclips Ilcctfical connccfion Duelothemains cablebeingsituated insidethe chimney oftheextractor wesirongly recommend thala spuroutletpointisfittedwithin thechimney butconlrolled froma separate swilchsiiuated oulside thisarea SeeElectricalConnections Anycables connecting lheswitch tolheoutletpoinlmustbeprotected f...

Page 7: ...iselling thewall checkforpipesand powercables 1 Ensure iheducting lubeis keptasshortaspossible andwithiheminimum of bends topermit thesmoothesl airflow l 4aximum length 3 meires 2 Ducted airmust nolbedischarged intoafluewhich isused forexhausling fumes fromappliances supplied wilhenergy otherthan electricity 3 Ensurethe requiremenis oflhe ocalauthotiesareadhered lo concerninq lhe discharge of exha...

Page 8: ...bytufning ilinananticlockwise direclion Wilhthefilterin place airisthoroughly cleaned before passing outoftheunitvialhelopoutlel ncnrcascfilterlfrat Thegrease filler matisofa metallic matealandshould bewashed using a neutral detergent Togainaccess tothecharcoal filterthegreasefillers mustberemoved IMPORTANT Youshauld neveraftempt tausetheextractat without thegrcasefilter sincegrcasebuild upcouldpr...

Page 9: ...lense unscrew theiauly bulbandreptace wttha butbofrhesamewatlaoe ReolacF la r ou 05 Lar bF o rc aceo tle slo e tro l wf ct yoJ boLght l e app a cF NOTE BULB HEPLACEIIENT lS NOT COVEBED BY YOUR GUARANTEE Fofyoafsalcty Inorderto protectyourappliance andminimise theisk olfire donlba becuelood direcl v undef heexlraclo Simrlarly donotprep rellamedishesm ediatety nda heedracto Jyouuse agashob do notrem...

Page 10: ...forcon nection forlheappliance IMPORTANT Thewiresinthismainsleadarecoloured in withthefollowing code BIue Neutral Brawn Live AslhecoloLrs ofthewiresinthemarns lead ofthisappliance maynolcorrespondwilh the coloured markings idenlifyingtheterminals in yourspurbox proceedas follows The wrre which is co oured b ue must be connecied to theterrninal whichis marked withthelelterN orcoloured black Thewire...

Page 11: ...s tirnegoesby accumulaled grease tendstostiilethe charcoal filters injustthesarne wayasthegrease iilter mat thereby reducing theeifrciency ofboththefanandthe fiteritself lf youreusing theunitinre circulat onmode change charcoalilter lt isobviously pastitsprime Check plug sockelandfuses lflheseareinoroerano faut perssls il couldbelhatanaccumulation ofgrease hasimpaired theetficiency oftheswitch mec...

Page 12: ...bera buslness telephone numberif appropriate Quolesales receipt number makeand model number ofiaultyappliance Thisproduct s reierence isaslollows APP2440 3 Give a summary oftheproblem APP2442 APP2540 APP2542 APP2543 Icchnicalnan PowerSupply Raung Fuse Rating Cocle Eetercnce 230 240v 50Hz 230watts 3 amp HD001131 oD L PRI TEDONRECYCLED PAPER ...
