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CAD Audio

6573 Cochran Rd., Bldg. 


  Solon, OH 44139 U.S.A.


Acousti-shield 32

Stand Mounted Acoustic Enclosure


The Acousti-shield 32 was developed 

as an accessory for the home recording 
professional. When effectively utilized, it can 


 utter and unwanted environmental 

acoustic interference. A trouble-free 
design results in an easy to use, highly 

 cing stand 

mounted stability. The Acousti-shield 32 
is constructed from high quality stainless 

steel and high density micro cell acoustic 
foam with an additional absorptive wool layer.
The Acousti-shield 32 is supplied 

with mounting hardware to adapt to most 

 exible placement. 

The Acousti-shield 32 is an essential tool for 

enhanced performance and a vital accessory 
for the professional musician. 


Studio Recording 

Field Recording

© 2017 CAD Audio  Part No. 47710-03-01


>  The Acousti-shield 32 is 

constructed from a high 

quality 16 gauge perforated 

stainless steel shield mated 

to a dual stage 53mm high 

density micro cell acoustic 

foam and high quality 

absorptive wool layer

resulting in a dry recording


>  The Acousti-shield 32 

 ections, echo 

and attenuates unwanted 

environmental acoustic 


>  An innovative advanced 

mounting design allows 

for maximum positioning 

stability even when mated to 

an economy mic stand. 

>  Innovative 6 way adjustable


accommodates a variety 

of microphone designs and 

allows for creative control 

and a tailored acoustic 


>  The portable design allows 

for easy studio placement 

 es remote 


microphone stand-off

