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Caller ID/Call Waiting Type 2.5 with Call Waiting Deluxe 



Installation Manual 

























Please read 

this manual 


before use. 

Keep for your 




Caller ID, Caller ID Call Waiting, and/or Call Waiting Deluxe 
Services, where available, are available from BellSouth.   After 
subscribing to Caller ID, Caller ID Call Waiting and/or Call 
Waiting Deluxe Services, this phone will display Caller/Caller 
Waited party’s name and phone number, and the associated soft 
keys of the Call Waiting Deluxe service. 


2-LINE 2.






Summary of Contents for BS-371

Page 1: ...ller ID Call Waiting and or Call Waiting Deluxe S erv ic es w h ere av ailab le areav ailab lef rom BellS outh A f ter s ub s c rib ing to Caller ID Caller ID Call Waiting and or Call Waiting DeluxeSe...

Page 2: ...g t he oper at i ng i ns t r uct i ons Adj us tonl yt hos econt r ol st hatar ec ov er ed by t he oper at i ng i ns t r uct i ons I mpr oper adj us t m entofot hercont r ol sm ay r es ul ti n damage a...

Page 3: ...l i t sn ap si nt op l ac e 5 Pl ac et heh and s et i nt heChar g i ngCr adl e c har g et hebat t er ypac kf oratl east1 5 hour spr i ort o r egi st er i ng t he ha nd sett o y ou BS 373 Mak e sur e...

Page 4: ...ADD AHANDSET Pr es s O K t or egi st erand CONNECTI NG i s di spl ay edf or1t o2sec on d s I f t hehands et di spl ay s REG OK NEW I D 2 t he c onnec t i onwi t ht heb a seun i t i se st a bl i s hed...

Page 5: ...d s et andt hel i nei saut o mat i c al l y c onnec t ed I f t hephonei ss et t oManual answerm od e or when ev ert hehand set i snot ont hec h ar gec r ad l e t oans werac al l 1 Pr es saLI NEk ey or...

Page 6: ...e 10 Di al f r o m Pho neBook Di r ec t or y 1 Pr es s DI R sof t k ey 2 Us e sc r ol l k eyst of i ndt hede s i r ed di r ec t or y r ec or d 3 I f t henum berd i spl ayedi sn ot i nt hede si r ed d...

Page 7: ...point orthecall will ber etur nedto y ouif it isnot answer edwithin 20second s 16 Conf er e ncecall betwe en Line1andLine2 1 W hilem ak ing orans wer ing a call on Line1or Line 2 2 Pr es s HOLD sof tk...

Page 8: No caller snam e Doe stheCALLER I D s er v iceto which y ousu b scr ib e inclu detheCALLI NG NAME DELI VERY f eatur e Y oucannot hearorbehear d clear ly I ncr easethehand set r ece iv erv olum e...

Page 9: ...y ste m gently and car ef ully Dr opping it can dam age cir cu it boar d s and case s and can cau se thesy ste m to wor kimpr op er ly Keep the sy ste m awayf r om ex ces s iv e du st and dir t which...

Page 10: ...s ecall Be llSouth at 1 800 733 235 5 f orr epairorwar r antyinf or m ation I fthe equip m ent iscau s ing har m to the te lep hone networ k thetele phonecompanymayr eque st that y oudisconnect theeq...

Page 11: ate s u se s and can r adiate r adio f r eque ncyener gyand ifnot installed and u se d in accor dance with the instr uctions m aycause har m f u l inter f er ence to r ad io communications Howev er...

Page 12: ...g with a d e scr iption of thedef ect andinclude thisin thepack age I ncludep ay m ent f oranyser v iceorr epairnot cov er edbywar r anty asdeter m ined byBellSouth W HAT DOES OUR W ARRANTYNOT COVER B...
