interference decreases and the link quality improves.
What should I do if I have low signal or high noise ?
To improve the signal, check or get the antennas with reverse SMA type connectors. For
noise problems, please shield or remove the interference. If the situation doesn't improve,
please change radio channels.
Unable to associate to the access point
1. Verify that the PC card or PCI adapter is installed correctly.
2. Is the signal strength and link quality good ? Move closer to the access point to see
if it helps ? If not, you may have radio problems. Make sure you are in the wireless
coverage of your access point.
3. Temporarily disable the WLAN MAC Filter function on the access point. If this
solves the problem, check to make sure the MAC address of the wireless client is
not contained in the list of denied MAC addressed.
4. Temporarily disable any security feature on both the access point and the client. If
this solves the problem, check to make sure that the Wired Equivalent Privacy
(WEP) key you use to transmit data is set up exactly the same on your AP and on
any wireless devices with which it associates.
5. Make sure the configuration on access point and wireless consistent. Verify that
the configuration for the SSID on PC matches the access point's ESSID.
You can verify the result of association by using wireless client utility or entering
command "wlan association disp" in SMT Menu 24.8..
G-5100> wlan association disp
[NUM] MAC Address Association time
[001] 0x00:0x60:0xb3:0x69:0x03:0x37 00:00:02 2000/01/01 1
Total: 1
Unable to authenticate to the access point
If your client adapter is unable to authenticate to an access point, check the security
settings of your client adapter and the access point. These include the following areas:
Authentication with shared key (WEP):