ZyXEL Prestige 480 (DSS1 – European)
ZyNOS v2.42(O.00) | 01/20/2000
Release Note / Manual Supplement
Date: January 20, 2000
This document describes the enhancements in ZyXEL Prestige product line since the last
manual printing.
New Features
section lists the new features added to this release.
Supported Platforms
ZyNOS 2.42(O.00) supports Prestige models: P480.
RVS-COM Lite Version: V1.63
New Features:
Some ISP does not support multilink bundle of more than 2 links (it’s inefficient any
way), therefore, it is currently impossible for a user to dedicate all 4 channels
available in a P-480 to Internet access. To differentiate P-480 from other similarly
equipped products, it is desirable to be able to support bundle of 4 links where P-480
calls a second ISP when the traffic exceeds a certain threshold and split the traffic
between the two connections. We’ll call this bundling of ISPs “Mega-Bundle”.
Supprot RVS-COM NetCAPI protocol.
IP Alias
In this release, Lan port can assign more than one IP address.
IP Policy Routing
This feature allows you to choose the gateway for certain IP packets.
IPX Routing
This feature allows you to route IPX packets.
This feature allows you to bridge different network.
Upgrade Firmware via FTP
User can upgrade ZyNOS F/W by FTP.
Restore Configuration File via FTP
Users can restore configuration by FTP.