1 Playboard black ( 30 x 43 cm )
1 Playboard stand ( disassembled )
2 Different size discs
1 Accessories:
8 Rubbers ( 4 + 4 extra )
1 Disc
2 Ropes + Grips ( assembled )
The goal of this game is to score a point by pulling on the two ropes and maneuvering the small or big disc in the
toggle between the holes and get them all the way at the top goal. If you pull on the right cord, the toggle moves
right and if you pull on the left cord, the toggle will go left. Pulling on both cords simultaneously will move the
toggle up.
Below are the different possibilities for the gameplay to make it more fun and interesting:
1. One player
- Use only the big bear disc
2. One player
- Use only the small bear disc
3. One player
- Try to score as much as possible in a specific time.
4. One player
- Try to find a different path or go around a hole before going up again.
5. Two players
- Work together, where each player holds one rope.
6. Two players
- Compete with each other. Who has the most points in a specific timeframe?
Connect the Left Leg and the Right Leg with the Back Fix plate. Then place the black playboard on the stand.
In the top picture you see that the grips with cords go from the top around the back and underneath to the
front of the black playboard.
Use a rubber ring on each leg ( as shown in the pictures ) if you are playing on a smooth surface.