©2017 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2017/05/22
User Manual
Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.
CAN-bus recording analyzer
CANREC User Manual
Figure 5- 29: Waveform operation
5) Click the “Display” button on the menu of waveform view area to set what are
displayed in the waveform view.
6) Click the “
” button to open the “Property” page list of the current waveform,
and then the detailed waveform information is displayed, as shown in Figure 5- 30.
Figure 5- 30: “Property” page list
7) Clicking the “Bit Timing” or “Filter” button on the waveform view area enters the
corresponding dialog box to configure the waveform to achieve the desired effect.
Eye Diagram
The software eye diagram function is used to superimpose the eye diagram for a