User Manual
P a g e
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Copyright©2023 ZKTECO CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Main Menu
on the initial interface to enter the main menu, as shown below:
Function Description:
User Mgt.
To add, edit, view, and delete basic information of a user.
User Role
To set the permission scope of the custom role and enroller, that is, the rights
to operate the system.
To set the relevant parameters of Ethernet, serial Comm, PC connection,
wireless network, cloud server setting, and network diagnosis.
To set parameters related to the system, including date & time, access logs
setting, palm parameter, reset, and USB upgrade.
To customize settings of interface display, including user interface, voice,
and bell schedules.
Data Mgt.
To delete all relevant data in the device, back up the data to the device or U
disk and restore the data in the device or U disk to the device.
Access Control
To set the parameters of the lock and the relevant access control device.
USB Manager
To transfer data such as user data and attendance logs from the USB disk to
the supporting software or other devices.
Attendance Search
Query the specified access record.
To automatically test whether each module functions properly, including
the screen, audio, camera, and real-time clock.
System Info
To view the data capacity, device, firmware information, and privacy policy
of the current device.