Chapter 1: Overview
ZP3 Fire Alarm Control Panel Installation Manual
RS-485 operates through up to 1,200 metres of screened, twisted-pair cable.
Wiring can be daisy-chained point-to-point (T-tapped or spurred is not
recommended). The total length of cable in the network should not exceed 2,000
metres. For more information refer to the ZP3AB-SCB-D Serial Display Unit
Interface Installation Sheet.
The cable is specified in detail in Chapter 8 “ZP wiring guide” on page 117.
The panel can operate 63 remote display units. The address range for the RDU
is 1 to 63, which allows for up to 63 address options. The RDU is wired to the
panel via the ZP3AB-SCB1 SCB driver board.
Usage: Fit the ZP3AB-SCB1 board to the panel using the interface marked “RDU
interface”. Accept devices on the panel. Once the SCB driver board has been
accepted the user can view the SCB driver software under Operator > Reports to
display. Configure the SCB online, this defines the number of RDUs that can be
connected to the panel.
Navigate to the following menu:
Setup > System Configuration > Peripheral Comms > RDU/SCBR Online
The address of an RDU may not be higher than the number of RDUs configured
to be to online. If this value is set to 32 then RDUs can be connected with
addresses ranging from one to 32. This number defines the valid RDU address
numbers and not the amount of RDUs connected. All RDUs that have addresses
higher than the number entered for RDUs online will not have control abilities.
If this number is set to 63, the address at the RDU can be set to any address
from 1 through 63. If this number is set to 1, only address 1 can be set on the
RDU unit.
Remote display unit (RDU)
When an RDU is configured as being online, it mimics the panel and also sends
control information back to the panel. To disable the RDU control, remove the
controls enabled jumper fitted to the RDU board. Once the RDU has been
accepted the user can view the RDU software under Operator > Reports to
Display. If there are ten RDUs accepted then this menu will have ten entries for
Usage: The number selected on the address switch depends on the number of
RDUs defined online. As stated above, the number entered to define the amount
of RDUs online defines the maximum address number. Address switches 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, and 6 set the address in the standard address switch format as used on the
detectors, e.g. switches 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 set to ON represent an RDU address of