Front Hub Bearing Removal
F r o n t H u b B e a r i n g R e m o v a l
Insert the Park Tool AV-4 or AV-5 Axle and Spindle Vise Insert tool into
a vise. Clamp the non-drive side end cap into the vise insert tool and
pull up on the wheel/hub to remove the end cap.
Gently tap the exposed axle end with a plastic mallet to dislodge the
axle from the hub bearings.
Use your thumb to push the axle through the hub shell and remove the
wave spring from the non drive side hub shell.
Do not discard or misplace the wave spring. It is crucial to hub
performance and the hub will not fuction properly without the spring.
Remove the front axle from the drive side of the hub.
Use your fingers to remove the end cap from the drive side of the axle.
AV-4 / AV-5
Plastic Mallet