Driver Bearing Replacement (optional)
D r i v e r B e a r i n g R e p l a c e m e n t ( o p t i o n a l )
Service of a 10 speed driver is identical to the XD driver service shown below.
Insert the 17 mm Bearing Puller slotted attachment through the
outboard bearing. Align the slotted attachment with the bottom of the
bearing, and expand it inside the bearing.
Do not over tighten the slotted attachment. For more detailed assembly
and usage, see the bearing puller manufacturer’s instructions.
Thread the rod of the bearing puller into the attachment. Grip the slide
hammer and forcefully pull away from the slotted attachment to remove
the bearing from the driver body.
Insert the 17 mm Bearing Puller slotted attachment through the inboard
bearing. Align the slotted attachment with the bottom of the bearing
and expand it inside the bearing.
Do not over tighten the slotted attachment. For more detailed assembly
and usage, see the bearing puller manufacturer’s instructions.
Thread the rod of the bearing puller into the attachment. Grip the slide
hammer and forcefully pull away from the slotted attachment to remove
the bearing from the driver body.
Clean the driver bearing bores with a shop towel and cotton swabs.
Place the driver on flat surface, outboard side up. Insert a new Zipp
6803/61803 driver bearing into the outboard side of the driver body,
with the
seal facing outward.
Ceramic bearings have
seals on both sides of the bearing;
installation orientation is not important.
Insert a 6803 26x17 tool onto the bearing.
17 mm Slotted Attachment
17 mm Slotted Attachment
6803/61803 Driver Bearing
6803 26x17