BlackKite, Vehicle Tracking System User Manual
Rev. 1.4.0
Zilogic Systems
Page 30
6.3. Connecting a Switch
AC switches and door sensors can be monitored using digital inputs. The below figure shows how
to connect a switch to a digital input.
6.4. Connecting a Relay
Automotive relays (12V or 24V depending on battery voltage) can be controlled using digital out-
puts. The below figure shows how to connect a relay to the digital output.
6.5. Connecting a Resistive Fuel Level Sensor
A fuel gauge consists of two parts, a fuel level sensor and a fuel level indicator. Various types of
fuel level sensors are available, of which the resistive sensor type is commonly used in vehicles. A
resistive fuel level sensor, provides an output voltage that is proportional to the fuel level in the
tank. This voltage output can be monitored using the analog input. The below figure shows how
to connect a fuel sensor to the analog input.