Operating Manual
Check that the display turns on correctly.
As of this moment, all the management electronics are on and communications with the operator via the
control panel or remote device are now possible. Wait about two minutes for the power up procedure to be
If there are any external input and output isolating switches, close them.
Check that START/STOP switch is in the STOP position.
Check that the "Emergency Stop button" is not activated. If it is, deactivate this so that the system can start.
Turn the general switch off (AC).
The system waits for the START/STOP switch to be placed in the START position.
Check that the START/STOP switch is in the START position. The unit will carry out the start-up sequence
and the green light will flash intermittently.
As of this point, the system is completely autonomous.
4.2 Stopping the system
Just as in the case of the system start-up, there are two procedures to follow:
Place the "Start/Stop" switch on the front of the unit in the "Stop" position.
Wait a few seconds until the input and output contactors open automatically.
You will observe that the system stops supplying the consumers.
Turn the general AC switch on.
Open the battery disconnector, if any. Otherwise, open the internal battery fuse.
The unit discharges all the residual capacities of the system automatically. All parts of the system must be free
of electricity in order to be able to handle these in safety.
There is an emergency stop method which consists of pressing the "emergency button". This procedure is not the
normal shut down method and should be avoided whenever possible.
4.3 Handling
The control circuits come into operation as soon as there is direct voltage in the battery input.
After carrying out the start-up procedure indicated above, the inverter is permanently in operation, providing the
energy required by consumers, managing the available power sources and optimising at all times the energy
provided by the renewable resource.
When there is not sufficient to power in the renewable resource, the inverter-charger supplies the loads with the
energy from the battery and if necessary from the auxiliary emergency power unit (if any). Once there is sufficient
energy in the renewable resource, the inverter-charger provides the loads with energy from this resource. The
charger will charge the batteries and manage the extraction of power from the renewable resource. ZIGOR SOLAR
HIT3C inverters-chargers are capable of adding the energies from the different resources, maximising the use of
renewable resources (DC) over the consumption of fossil resources (AC). If there is an overload or lack of
resources (renewable, battery or unit) while the system is in operation, the system will stop due to a lack of
generated power.
Remember especially that the inverters-chargers of the ZIGOR SOLAR HIT3C family are island inverters and
cannot inject power into the grids of the utility company.
The ZIGOR SOLAR HIT3C operates completely autonomously. Once in operation, the system adapts
automatically to the circumstances of the renewable resource and the consumers. It is not necessary for any
operator to intervene provided that the START/STOP switch is kept in the START position, as this also manages
the emergency generator unit start-up and stop should this be required.
If you wish to open the door, you must stop the system by placing the START/STOP switch in the STOP position
and by opening the general switch.