12 / 30
7.2.1 Addition time
The filters are cleaned after the addition time
[cleaning / addition time]
has elapsed
Calculation of the addition time:
Extraction runtime [min.] x volume flow [%]
For example, if the extraction system runs for 120 minutes with a volume flow of 50%,
120 minutes x 50% = 60 minutes
is added to the addition time.
The addition time is stored in the device with zero voltage protection.
7.2.2 Cleaning procedure
The extraction is off
After the rundown time (starts when extraction is off)
Starts cleaning (relay K2 on)
The following process is repeated x times (x = vibration intervals)
Cleaning active (relay K2 on)
Cleaning break (relay K2 off)
Cleaning is then active for the continuous vibration time
End of cleaning (relay K2 off)
[Cleaning / Rundown time]
[Cleaning / Vibration Intervals]
[Cleaning / Vibration time]
[Cleaning / Continuous vibration
If cleaning is interrupted (a machine switches on) and at least 50% of the continuous shaking time has not
yet elapsed, cleaning is restarted at the next opportunity.
7.3 Discharge
Two different discharge modes are available.
7.3.1 Starts with extraction
Discharge - Starts with extraction
when at least one slider is open
- when cleaning is complete and the
subsequent overrun time has elapsed, or - when the
extraction has ended and the subsequent overrun time
has elapsed
[Discharge / Starts with]
[Discharge / Overrun]
7.3.2 Starts with cleaning
Discharge - Starts with cleaning
[Discharge / Starts with]
when the addition time has elapsed (= 0)
- when cleaning is complete and the subsequent overrun
time has elapsed
[Discharge / Overrun]
7.4 Input Y1 (I0&I31)
Function - Switch
[Machine / Input Y1]
all sliders (flaps) open when input Y1 closed
Function - 00:10.59:59 [mm:ss]
[Machine / Input Y1]
all sliders (flaps) open for the specified time (input Y1 = swipe signal/button)
The volume flow takes into account the open sliders (total volume flow of all extraction channels)
The function "
Extraction/further opening = no
" is not active (open all)
When extraction off: Extraction starts without delay