Manually binding interfaces
Z-Edge 64 Configuration Guide
To add a user, enter the following commands:
zSH> adduser
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
User Name: jsmith
User Prompt[zSH>]: jsmith>
Please select user access levels.
admin: -------> {no}: yes
zhonedebug: --> {no}:
voice: -------> {no}: yes
data: --------> {no}: yes
manuf: -------> {no}: yes
database: ----> {no}: yes
systems: -----> {no}: yes
tool: --------> {no}: yes
useradmin: ---> {no}: yes
User name:(jsmith) User prompt:(jsmith>)
Access Levels:
Save new account? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
User record saved.
To change from the default (admin) user to the new user, log out from the
system and then log in as the new user, or issue a su command while still in
the admin user setting.
zSH> su jsmith
the password is case sensitive and will not appear as you type it
Manually binding interfaces
When creating ip-interface-record profiles, the syntax is name/type. The
name of the IP interface can be user-defined or match the naming of the
if-translate record for the physical interface. The system automatically binds
interfaces if the name of the new IP record matches the name of the
if-translate profile or if the syntax shelf/slot/port/subport/type is used.
The example below shows a new ip-interface-record being created with a
user-defined name. Since there is no if-translate record with the name
1-1-2-0, the system will not automatically bind this interface. Enter a list
if-translate command to determine what if-translate records are available on
your system.
zSH> new ip-interface-record 1-1-2-0/ip
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
vpi: ---------------> {0}:
vci: ---------------> {0}:
rdindex: -----------> {1}:
dhcp: --------------> {none}: ** read-only **