Basic Configuration
EtherXtend User’s Guide
update system 0
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
syscontact: -----------> {Zhone Global Services and Support 7001 Oakport
Street Oakland Ca. (877) Zhone20 (946-6320) Fax (510)777-7113
sysname: --------------> {EtherXtend1}:
syslocation: ----------> {Oakland}:
enableauthtraps: ------> {disabled}:
setserialno: ----------> {0}:
zmsexists: ------------> {true}:
zmsconnectionstatus: --> {inactive}:
zmsipaddress: ---------> {}:
configsyncexists: -----> {false}:
configsyncoverflow: ---> {false}:
configsyncpriority: ---> {high}:
configsyncaction: -----> {noaction}:
configsyncfilename: ---> {}:
configsyncstatus: -----> {synccomplete}:
configsyncuser: -------> {zmsftp}:
configsyncpasswd: -----> {** private **}: ** read-only **
numshelves: -----------> {1}:
shelvesarray: ---------> {}:
numcards: -------------> {3}:
ipaddress: ------------> {}:
alternateipaddress: ---> {}:
countryregion: --------> {us}:
primaryclocksource: ---> {0/0/0/0/0}:
ringsource: -----------> {internalringsourcelabel}:
revertiveclocksource: -> {true}:
voicebandwidthcheck: --> {false}:
alarm-levels-enabled: -> {cmajor+minor+warning}:
userauthmode: ---------> {local}:
radiusauthindex: ------> {0}:
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit:
Record updated.
After completing the RADIUS configuration, the EtherXtend displays
console messages for RADIUS login and logout activity.
For users logging in through RADIUS, the system prompt appears as the
. For example, the system prompt for a basic user
on a EtherXtend using the default Zhone EtherXtend system name will
appear as basicuser@Zhone EtherXtend. The system name is configured
using the sysname parameter in the System 0 profile.
System logging
System logs can be enabled to record session activity and user access.
Summary of Contents for EtherXtend 3300 Series
Page 8: ...Contents 6 EtherXtend User s Guide...
Page 18: ...Overview 16 EtherXtend User s Guide...
Page 70: ...Basic Configuration 68 EtherXtend User s Guide...
Page 132: ...Advanced Configuration 130 EtherXtend User s Guide...
Page 146: ...IP Service Level Agreement 144 EtherXtend User s Guide...
Page 150: ...Index 148 EtherXtend User s Guide...