• Desktop remote controller for TETRA radio
• Gives one or more operators direct access to a
TETRA radio through local wiring, private wire,
ISDN, or microwave circuits
• Suitable for Private or Public Access TETRA
• Provides convenience and efficiency for operators
on TETRA networks
• Extends radio access into poor coverage areas
• Gives out of area access into remote TETRA
• Layout/functions match the Motorola TM
300/700/800 radio
The Model 390 is a versatile remote controller for the
Motorola MTM300/700/800 TETRA radio.
This controller is suitable for use in public or private
systems. The radio can be placed up to 600 metres
away from the controller and up to 15 controllers can
be connected to one radio.
Optionally the Zetron Model 232 Interface may be
installed between the Model 390 and the TETRA
radio enabling the TETRA radio to be controlled over
leased line or ISDN.
This enables the radio to be placed in the best
radio coverage area whilst giving operator access
from another location. This might include locations
not receiving network coverage such as buildings,
tunnels or basements, or out of area locations which
are not served by the network. For example, users
in areas outside the regional network can have dial
up or leased line access without the expense of
extending the network.
The Model 390 is also suited to radio operator dispatchers
and office personnel who need access to a radio system
without having a radio placed in the office environment.
The Model 390 can provide operator access to a TETRA
network when the operator is not receiving radio coverage
or is out of the network area.
Placing the radio away from the office desk reduces
potential EMC/EMI risk to office computers and other
equipment. Additionally the Model 390 avoids the need
for RF antenna cabling by typically making use of existing
telephone wiring between controller and radio.
ModeL 390
digitaL radio reMote controLLer
Multidrop installation
single desktop remote