DMX Fail Modes
Hold DMX
In HTP Mix mode, the last DMX input levels are held in the dimmer and mixed in as normal.
In DMX Precedence mode, the DMX inputs are removed from the output calculations.
Fade To Black
The DMX Input values and any memory or sequence being output are faded to black (0%) over 3 seconds.
Fade To Memory
If the dimmer is not outputting a memory or sequence, the outputs fade to the specified backup memory. If the dimmer
is outputting the backup memory, the outputs fade to that memory. If the dimmer is outputting a different memory or
sequence, the outputs will fade or snap to the memory or sequence.
In Standard mode the above statements apply to all dimmer channels.
In ChilliNet mode the above statements are applied to the channels on an area basis, since each area could be
outputting a different memory or sequence at the time of DMX failure.
This option allows you to lock the dimmer, disabling all menu access. The dimmer is locked and unlocked manually by
entering a four digit code.
Global Unlock Code
There is a global unlock code which will unlock the Chilli Dimmer. If the code to unlock the dimmer has been forgotten,
contact Zero 88 or your dealer for further information.
Networked Dimmers
A networked dimmer can be locked locally as described in this section.
This will not prevent the dimmer from being controlled from a Chilli Master Controller or Chilli control panels connected
to the network.
A networked dimmer can also be locked and unlocked from a Chilli Master Controller.
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Printed: 10/03/2021 09:32:33 ES