Sequence: X
ENT to stop
Use the cursor keys to select the required sequence.
The second line of the screen shows the current state of the selected sequence.
Starting a Sequence
Select the required sequence using the cursor keys, then press the ENT key.
The sequence will start running. The dimmer sends out a start sequence message onto the network, and then play
memory / area messages at the appropriate times.
Starting a sequence in an area will replace any memory or sequence for that area currently being output by the
Stopping a Sequence
Select the sequence that is currently running in the dimmer using the cursor keys, then press the ENT key.
The sequence will stop running. The dimmer sends out a stop sequence message onto the network.
Sequence Options
This option allows you to adjust the crossfade and dwell times for the sequences in the dimmer.
These times are global and apply to all three sequences in the dimmer.
Select the Sequence Options option from the Sequences menu, and press the ENT key, the screen shows:
X-Fade Time: xx
Dwell Time: xxx
Zero 88 - Chilli Pro - Page 29 of 60
Printed: 23/03/2021 09:13:40 ES