Secondary time (slats length):
it is the time, in tenths of second, it takes the slat to
complete a full movement from 0% (completely "up") to 100% (completely "down"), or vice
versa. This time must be "manually" measured.
Slats Step Time:
this is the time, in tenths of second, it takes the slat to carry out a
gradual rotation when it receives the step up/down order ("[CX] Stop/Step"=0 or 1,
respectively), when the blind is stopped. These step orders allow gradually rotate the slats,
modifying their position (%), which may be very useful to prevent glare when the sun changes
position, for example.
Note: The times referred to the slats movement must be shorter than the configured for the blind
movement (usual configuration).
Besides defining these times, it will be necessary to configure the following options, which are
specific for blinds with slats:
Maintain slats position when shutter completes motion?:
this option allows choosing
whether the slats may recover their position after the blind reaches the desired position, or
Suppose the parameter “Maintain slats positioning when shutter completes motion?” has been
enabled. The initial position of the slats is 50% and the initial position of the blind is 0% (up). An
order to lower the blind is received, thus making the blind starts moving downwards, and so do
the slats, until the blind reaches the 100% position. At this point, the blind has completed its
motion. Then, ACTinBOX MAX6 will correct the slats position, moving them until they reach the
position they had before (50%, in this example), thus making the blind move slightly, until the
slats are in the 50% position.
If the parameter “Maintain slats positioning when shutter completes motion?” was disabled, when
the blind reaches the 100% position (down), the slats stay at the corresponding position after the
downwards movement of the blind.
Slats position at Bottom pos. [%]:
it allows establishing the slats position (in
percentage) when the blind is completely down (i.e., its position is equal to 100%).
This means that, when the blind completes its downwards movement and reaches the 100%
position, the slats will correct their position to the one established by parameter.