Shutter in Channel A (No slats) takes 15 seconds to be lowered and 20 seconds to be raised. An
additional time of 2 seconds is added when the shutter gets its limit. The ACTinBOX MAX6
parameterization should remain as follows:
The following parameters add functionality or special features to both types of shutter (with or
without slats):
Status objects:
this function provides a 1 byte communication object "[CX] Current
Shutter Position" ” to indicate the exact position, in percentage (%), the shutter is at all times.
This object takes the value 0 when the shutter in completely up (0%) and 255 when it is
completely down (100%). The rest of values represent the intermediate values.
It can be chosen by parameter whether the shutter position is sent every second or not
(enabling or not the parameter “Send current shutter position every second while moving?”
that appears when the “Status Object” parameter is enabled).
For Blinds with slats it also appears the 1 byte object "[CX] Current Slats Position", which will
take the value 0 (0%) when the slats are completely "up" and the value 255 (100%) when the
slats are completely "down".
Precise control:
this function makes possible to move the shutter to any position on its
length, via the 1 byte communication object "[CX] Shutter Positioning", in percentage (%).
Every time ACTinBOX MAX6 gets a new value through this object (e.g. 50%), the shutter is
moved to the corresponding position (the middle in the example).