Figure 3.8. Alarm
In the alarm section for individual outputs the following parameters can be configured:
Trigger value:
set the value to activate the alarm status. It can be "1" or "0". An
alarm status will be activated when the value set in this field is sent to the object “[OX]
Alarm”. It will be deactivated when the opposite value to the one set in this field is sent to
the corresponding communication object.
Cyclical monitoring period (minutes):
parameterize the time on which the alarm
will be activated again (automatically) after the last No Alarm order (“[OX] Alarm" =
opposite value to trigger) received. When the cyclical monitoring period comes to its end,
ACTinBOX MAX6 activates the alarm, which will execute the parameterized action
(unless the output status has not changed). If a new alarm activation is not wanted, it will
be necessary to receive the opposite value to Trigger through the Alarm object before the
cyclical monitoring period ends.
The cyclical monitoring can be disabled by setting a 0 in this filed.
To better understand this behaviour, please read the following application example:
Suppose that a cyclical monitoring time of 2 minutes is configured. The trigger value is “1” and
the reaction of the actuator when the alarm is activated is to switch on the output and when the
alarm is deactivated, to switch off the output. Figure that the output is switched off and the alarm
is activated (“[OX] Alarm=1”), so the output is switched on. While the alarm is not deactivated,
any action over the output will be ignored. After a while (t2), the alarm is deactivated (“[OX]
Alarm=0”), thus switching the status of the output (from ON to OFF). Before the parameterized
cyclical monitoring period (2 minutes) ends, a new alarm deactivation order arrives, so this time
starts counting again. After 2 minutes without any action performed over the alarm object, the