805812NZ v1.04 05.20 HydroChill Install Instructions
Sanitise: at startup, and every 6 months
Sanitisation must only be carried out by qualified technical service staff. Contact Zenith service for
Before carrying out the sanitisation, carefully read the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the
sanitising product. Use personal protective equipment (gloves, masks, etc) and ensure the rooms are
ventilated properly.
Sanitise the system upon first start-up, and every 6 months. Sanitisation must also be carried out if the
HydroChill is not used for a period greater than 3 days. For short periods of non-use (2-3 days), it is
recommended to dispense a few litres of water before using the machine.
Use cleaning agents or disinfectants approved for use in food industry. It is recommended to alternate
neutral/slightly alkaline cleaning agents (e.g. liquid low-foam detergents for industrial dishwashers) for
removing the organic substances, with agents containing citric or phosphoric acid for the removal of
inorganic substances.
Cleaning solutions are generally prepared by mixing detergent with tap water according to manufacturer’s
instructions. Bleach sanitising solution may be prepared by mixing 5 g of 4% sodium hypochlorite solution
(unscented bleach) per litre of tap water (20-40°C). Use the solution within 10 minutes of preparation. When
using disinfectants with other active ingredients, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
CAUTION! Never exceed the maximum contact times and the maximum concentration specified
by the manufacturer. After flushing the lines with the sanitising solution and allowing it to act
for the necessary time, you must rinse thoroughly with clean water to make sure that all traces
of sanitising agent have been eliminated completely.
Sanitisation procedure
• Switch off the machine and dispense through the taps until the system is completely empty.
• Disconnect the water inlet pipe from the mains. Connect it to the barrel containing the cleaning solution.
• Switch on the machine and dispense until the cleaning solution emerges (typically after 30 seconds or,
if the coil is present, after a further 15 seconds/5 metres of coil, per line). Open the taps for 15 seconds,
pause for 5 seconds; repeat 4 times. Reopen the taps for 30 seconds.
• Switch off the machine and dispense through the taps until the system is completely empty.
• Disconnect the barrel containing the cleaning solution and connect the mains water inlet pipe. Switch on
the machine and rinse thoroughly, dispensing the fluid through each tap for at least 1 minute and, if the
coil is present, dispense for another 30 seconds/5 metres of coil.
• Switch off the machine and dispense through the taps until the system is completely empty.
• Disconnect the mains water inlet pipe and connect it to the barrel containing the sanitising solution.
• Switch on the machine and dispense until the sanitising solution emerges (typically after 30 seconds or if
the coil is present, after another 15 seconds/5 metres of coil). Wait for 10 minutes, then open each tap for
30 seconds.
• Do not dispense for 10-15 minutes, to allow the sanitising solution to act.
• Switch off the machine and dispense through the taps until the system is completely empty.
• Disconnect the barrel containing the sanitising solution and connect the mains water inlet pipe. Switch
on the machine and rinse properly by dispensing the liquid for at least 3 minutes (at least 5 litres) from still
water taps and at least 6 minutes (at least 10 litres) from the sparkling water taps.