5 Commissioning and First Operating Steps | 5.7 Finding Appropriate Detector Settings
5.7.2 Setting up the InLens SE Detector
The InLens SE detector collects the SE signal, acquiring mainly information about surface topogra-
Fig. 41: Silver nanoparticles embedded in zeolite, imaged at 1.5 kV.
The following settings are recommended for the InLens SE detector:
20 V – 10 kV
0–5 mm
Short working distances are preferable for
good detection efficiency
10 kV – 20 kV
2–5 mm
Avoid strong specimen tilting for the InLens SE detector.
1. In the GeminiSEM Control panel, select the Imaging tab.
2. From the
Signal A
drop-down list, select
3. Adjust the EHT and the working distance (WD) according to the suggestions in the table in
order to optimize the image.
5.7.3 Setting up the SE Detector
The SE detector collects the SE signal, highlighting the topography of the specimen.
Fig. 42: An eledone tentacle
Instruction Manual ZEISS GeminiSEM series | en-US | Rev. 2 | 349500-8138-000