AURA handheld NIR – 2289-971 and 2298-955 | User Manual
AURA handheld NIR
6.2 Start measurement
The device automatically starts an internal reference measurement
after starting InProcess� Additionally, a reference measurement
is executed directly before each sample measurement, when the
Start measurement button is pressed�
The reference measurement prior to a sample measurement is
preconfigured in the AURA handheld NIR product templates�
Depending on the preset measurement process, the following steps show
the exemplary interaction of the user with the instrument:
Press the “Start measurement button” on the AURA handheld NIR.
Enter an identifier or a name for the measurement data.
Measurement results will be displayed on the screen.
Measurement results might differ with the device orientation�
It is strongly recommend to execute the internal referencing and
the measurement in the same device orientation – best choice
would be referencing directly on the sample�