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Summary of Contents for CONTRAFLEX BETA

Page 1: ...I N S T R U C T I O N B O O K ...

Page 2: ...oseknob I Eyeletsfor corrying strop 4 Pointerof exposuremeter l0 Flosh contoct 5 Exposr lre meter computor d i s c i v l v r l e v r v l l l R e o d i n g m o r k s f o r s t o p s 6 Fil m speed setting knob ond shutterspeeds 12 Exposurevolue control 7 Rewindknob knob For furthercomerocohtrolssee inside bock cover ...

Page 3: ...Zeiss lkon Ropid photo electricexposuremefer compleielyenclosl ed in the comero body for moximum protection gives relioble exposure figures for oll films including colour Two coupled rongefinder sysiems ensure occurote focusing of the high speeded 45 mm Pontor f 2 8 lens wiih oll its inierchongeobleconverter uniis The lorge cleor viewfinder imoge is unoffected by irorollox ot even the shoriest dis...

Page 4: ...ltibs see your photo deoler for free informotion We con only congrotulote you on buying o Contoflex beto You hove mode o wise choice your comero will give you lifelong pleosure We would like to shore your enioyment ond would oppreciote it if you were to send us some of the most outstonding pictures you hove token with your Conloflex beto The picture inside the froni cover wos token with the Contqt...

Page 5: ... settings even in poor light Zeiss lkon s twenly yeors of experience in moking exposure meters ensure its unfoiling occurocy The focusing syslem shows cleorly in the view finder the point of shorpest definition by meons of o split imoge rongefinder ond ground gloss screen both coupled with the lens The slondqrd lens is the fomous Pontor f 2 8 45 mm By exchonging the front element for either the Po...

Page 6: ... ovoiloble in stondord coriridges doylighr refills dorkroom refills or os bulk film By using speciol cqsselles the film con be chonged in doylight ofter ony number of expo sures without rewinding The removoble bock simplifies looding ond un looding os well os cleoning of the comero Handling thecamera Measuring theexposure Before ioking o picture you should delermine the exposure volue using the bu...

Page 7: ...oy be pulled out slightly see Fig 27 on poge 32 When the film speed is quoted occording to o roting other thqn the ASA or DIN systeffis the correspond ing equivolent con be found in the conversion toble on poge 9 To meosurethe intensityof the light first open the flop of the exposure meter by pressing knob B gentlyto the right to closeit pressthe flqp itself to the right with the left forefinger T...

Page 8: ...side the conscientiousphotogropher should colibrote his equipment by moking o series of test exposures of vorious opertures ond lhus determine lhe ocluol speed of the fi lm in question ond the correcl exposure meter selting 9 il io n ll B i on I llS 5 6 8 1 0 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 61 80 100 125 150 N 250 320 N 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 l 3 1 4 t 5 1 6 1 7 t8 t 9 20 21 22...

Page 9: ...Once the exposurevolue or operture ond shutter speed required hove been oscertoined they must be tronsferred to the shutter of the Conto flex beto Settingthe exposure Yalue By pressing lightlyon knob 12 Fig 3 the reor setting ring con be turned uniil the reqired exposure volue red figureson ihe right hond side is oppositethe red lriongulormork 19 Fig 2 lt is olso possible to set holf exposure volu...

Page 10: ...t thot remoins the some no mottenwhot flnumber or shutter speed is chosen lf ofter hoving determ ined ond set the exposurevolue the shutterspeed settingring lB is turned to o higheror lower volue 20 the lens operture 21 will be quto moticollyre odjusted to give the someexposure The shutterspeed is likewisere odiusted outo moticollywhen the opertureis chonged shutter speed The correct shutter speed...

Page 11: ...terwill remoinopen os long os the releose knob 3 remoinsdepressed seepoge 20 The green figures denote full seconds os on the computordisc of the exposuremeter ond con not be set ogoinst the setting mork lI their significonce will be exploinedloter on Aperlure setting The correct operture of the lens diophrogffi or stop for short depends on the depth of field desired seepoge 16 The smoller the flnu...

Page 12: ...lf ofter setting the exposure volue the lens is siopped down until the shutter speed is set to the green B on exposure iime of 2 seconds will be required lf it is necessoryio stop down even further the required exposure time in full seconds green figures con be reod off oppo site the selected operfure Then set the dio phrogm to the required figure to do this depress the knob 12 os when setting the...

Page 13: ...ling mokes double exposures ond blonk fromes o thing of the post lt does not motter whether the shutter speed is set before or ofter odvoncing the film Keeping the shuttertension ed does not horm it in ony woy A useful hint when turning the film wind knob don t iust twiddle it round with two fingers like o screw o much more convenient method is to swing both honds in opposite directions hold ing t...

Page 14: ...e cleor circle is divided into two holves by o horizontol line see illustr on left The subiect distonce con be meosured in two wols 1 Select o verticol line such os the edge of o woll or o lree trunk seen in the finder imoge On turning the focusing ring 5 the imoge in the upper holf of the circle will move in relo tion to the lower holf When the two holves of the imoge ore exoctly oligned the lens...

Page 15: ...e depth of field scole 13 shows the extent of this zone of vorious operture settings ond distonces Locote the operture setting to be used from omong the f numbers to ihe right ond left of the distonce setiing mork 14 The distonce volues on ihe distonce seiting scole opposite the chosen f numbers represent the neor ond for limits of the depth of field zone For exomple ossuming you ore using on oper...

Page 16: ... points of the zone to be recorded shorply ond then select the oppropriotestop on the depth of fieldscole Do not however stop down further thon is necessory to ensure the depth of field you require Otherwiseyou moy need long exposure times which increosethe risk of comero shoke seepoge 24 F i s 5 E 1 7 ...

Page 17: ...g r ni Pnnbl t 6 o ro s cD cf O l O c O I B b b b r s p s p v t o o t s Y 9 S r 9 p o 0 6 l t o 6 t l r a l 6t r 6t rr t Y lr1 O f l t qt Y o L P O E o E E lct rt q 6l rts r G t E G 4 x ot rh Cg f E ct CJ ot f l C S ot EI Ctr l q r I rts C I EL q trt o 3 F b o O O t 8 9 i o i Y c r 1 9 0 9 o i i a P i i r e t g g i A b i ...

Page 18: ...e thumbs should be pressedogoinst the comero bock ond the middle finger of both honds should rest on t h e f o c u s i n g r i n g 5 U s e t h e i n d e x f i n g e r of the right hond to press the shutter releose 3 Press your elbows lightly ogoinst your body Fig 7 You con use either the left or the right ey to look through the finder This is the normol position for toking horizontol pictures with...

Page 19: works the shutter releose The left hond supports the comero from below it is olso possible to use the index finger of this hond to operote the focusing ring 5 Fig B Upright pictures con of course be token with the comero supported by the right hond In this cose the shutter is releosedwith the thumb Releasing theshutter The shutter releose knob 3 should be de pressed gently with either the tip o...

Page 20: the shutter is speciolly recommendedos being the leost likely to couse comero shoke lf by ony chonce the film wind knob l hos not been Wound to its f ullest extent meoning thot the film hos not been od vonced by o full frome the shutter connot be releosed This effectivelypreventsdouble expo sures 21 ...

Page 21: ...So long os you con see the lorge bright finder imoge lhe lens operture oulomoficolly remoins fully open permitting eosy ond occuroie focus ing On pressing the releose knob the spring looded diophrogm closesimmediotelyto its pre selected setiing before fhe shuiter opens fo exposethe f ilm The Conloflex is the first comero lo utilize this ingenioussystems The finder imoge is completely free from por...

Page 22: ...l l v w e o r s p e c t o c l e s y o u c o n f r o m e o n d f o c u s y o u r p i c t u r e sw i t h o u t t h e o i d o f g l o s s e s W h e n o r C e r i n g p l e o s e q u o t e y o u r o p t i c i o n s p r e s c r i p t i o nf o r d i s t o n c eg l o s s e s Snapshot Setting So os to be reody for ropid oction snopshots f irst set the correct exposu re volue ond fhen set the operture to f...

Page 23: ... befo con be mounted on o tripod F i g 1 2 b y m e o n s o f t h e t r i p o d b u s h 2 4 A b o l l o n d s o c k e t h e o d o r s i m i l o r t i l t i n g h e o d w i l l be required f or upright photogrophs To ovoid comero shoke use q coble releose seepoge 41 this screws into the threoded socket in the r e l e o s e k n o b 3 E x p o s u r e s r e q u i r i n g s p e e d s slower thon 1 ro se...

Page 24: ...u b e ss h o u l do n l y be fired on the X setting At the M setting the shutter opens ofter o very short deloy wh ich corresponds to ihe deloy to peokof most floshbulbs The correctsettings X or Mri for the vorious f l o s h b u l b so n d f l o s h c o p s u l e sw i l l b e f o u n d i n t h e m o k e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s o n d o l s o i n t h e t o b l e on poEe 26 At lhe V setling the s...

Page 25: ...he flosh confoct 10 ond then insertthe floshbulb Fig 13 When lhe releose knob 3 is depressed the floshbulb will be fired synchronously with the opening of the shutier Floshbulb Osrom X M1 S O XMI B SOB XP xo s2 Philips PfI Pf3 Pl14 Pf25 Pf60 Pf100 GenerolElectric No 5 No 11 No 22 SM No 50 M 2 Sylvonio Bqnto m8 0 2 25C Press 40 Press28 25 258 408 Press SF Press 3 38 M 2 Eleclronic Flosh Units Synch...

Page 26: ...ur hond ond your thumb on the comero bock Fig l4 Lift the lockins keys 22 in the bose of the Contoflex with your right hond ond turn them in the oppropriote direc tion With Your left thumb push the bock of the comero down words Fig l5 ond lift it off with the risht hond Fig l6 Loadingthe Gamera First secure the be ginning of the film in the longer slot of F i s 1 4 1 6 27 ...

Page 27: ...ilm cortridge or cossettein the lower chomber so thot the prongs engoge the core of the cossette spool Insert the toke up spool into the upper chomber Fig 19 now wind the film on to the toke up spool until fhe tronsport sprock ets engoge the per forotions on both sides Fig 20 W h i l s t h o l d i n g t h e film in contqct with the tronsport sprock et with fhe leff thumb so thot the teethremoineng...

Page 28: ... l l Y t e n s i o n o n d r e l e o s e the shutter twice so os to wind the f og g e d l e o d e rf i l m o n t o the toke up spool o n d o d v o n c eo l e n g t h of unexposed film i n t o p o s i t i o n i n t h e film gote As the film is wound ofl the rewind knob 7 should rotote in the opposite d irection to t h e o r r o w t h i s i n d i cotes thot the film is being odvonced properly When u...

Page 29: ...urned As soon os you hove tensioned the shutter with the film wind knob 1 ihe Contoflex is reody for the first picture The frome counterwill outomoticolly indicote 1 Gassettes TheContoflex betowill toke the somespeciol cossettes os usedin theContox Youconwork either from cossetteto cosselie or from the cossetteto the toke up spool The cossette consistsof two shellsond o centrespool To open it pres...

Page 30: ...t tisht Fig 24 lnsert the f ull spool with its milled knob first i n t o t h e i n n e r s h e l l of the cossette ond push the outer shell over it The leoder of the film should thenprotrudethrough the superimposed slots of the shells Now turn the inner ond outer shell o goinsteochotheruntil they lock ond the wo rd t zrt oppeo rs When working with two cossettes Fig 25 there is no need to rewind th...

Page 31: pegs of the cossetfesengoge in the corresponding grooves in the comerq body Turningthe locking keys of the comero bock outomoticolly opens or closes the cossettes Every cossetteis supplied i n o s p e c i o l c o n t o i n e r t h e l i d o f w h i c h h o s o smoll window The lid con be f itted in two positions When storing on exposed film in the contoiner fit the lid in such o woy thqt the m...

Page 32: ...s necessory to tension ond releose the shutter three times ofter the lost exposure in order to odvonce the lost exposed frome sofely into the toke up cossette Then open ihe Contoflex os described on poge 27 loke out the stondord or speciol cossette with the exposed film ond moke sure immedi oiely ihot no dusi or film poriicles ore left inside ihe comero TheGontaflex System Exchanging thelensunits ...

Page 33: ... of the Contoflexbeto ore inserted in thiswoy red dot to red dot right turn But for removing press lock powl 6 ond turn to left In order to preserve the efficiency ond high quolity performonce of the voluoblelenses theirsurfoceshouldneverbe touched Sincethe toking lensis olso the finderlens the Contoflex is most suitoble for toking photo grophs with vorious lenses Regordless of the focoI lengthof ...

Page 34: ...o i d f o r i n t e r i o r o n d o r c h i t e c t u r o l s h o t s Snopshot technique benefits from the consider obly deeper zone of shorp definition which re sults from the short focol length of this porti c u l o r l e n s u n i t The Psnlqr t 4 75 mm is o telephoto lens w h i c h o c t i n g l i k e o t e l e s c o p e w i l l p e r m i ty o u t o record for owoy subiectsos lorge o though th...

Page 35: ...ourse be used for the proieciionof normol tronsporencies LeatherGases ComerqEver Reody Cqse To guord ogoinstdom oge the Contoflex betoshouldolwoysbe corried in its elegont ever reodycose The comero is screwedto ihe coseond need not be removed from its cosefor exposure Moreover the Conto flex iogetherwith o screwed infilter ond the occessory shoe seepoge 40 ore eosilyoccom modotedin the cose the li...

Page 36: ...Filters Zeiss lkon precisionfiltersore ovoiloble in ihe followingcolours yellow yellow green oronge red lkolor Aond B ond UV filfers oll of which will be of greot ossistonce when speciolpic toriol effecls ore wonted They ore screw in fifterswiih o diometerof 27 mm for ihe Pontor f 2 845 mm ond the Steritor D ond 60 mm for the Pontorsf 4 30 mm ond l 4 75 mm The useof filters mokesit necessory to pr...

Page 37: ...stonces cooted Zeiss proxor supple mentory lensesshould be slipped over the mount of ihe comero lens diom 28 5 mm The finder will still show the correci field of view without ony porollox error ond the Contoflex con be focused in the some woy os described on poge 15 Four Proxor lensesore orroiloble focol length 39t ins 00cm for distonces down to 2 l ins l9 r ins 60 for subiebts down io 13t r ins l...

Page 38: ...culoled for o useful imoge oreo o f 2 3 x 3 5 m m l E 1 o o x o l l i inf 30 t 5 9 6 5 4 1 g1lc Il l 1 ltlt 10 6 1 611a l0 l 1 5r 9 4 1 3314 9 7 1 31 14 9 3 1 211q 7 7 1Qr1a 11 3tllt 91lz x1 2112 9 y1 2 gtlz x1 1 3rr 4 1 7rlz xl1rlz 7 1 lt C E e o o X r r o t l i e c c c o o X i l o t l s 1 1318 1 71e 1 rlz t 1111t l l 1otlz 8rle 8 77le 751e 731e 7rlr 7 7 4 6ft x10r1 7 2 6112 X10 6 9 6y4 Xgrlz 6 6...

Page 39: ... 60 mm No lenshood is required with the wide ongle Ponto r f 4 30 mm A smort leother cose is ovoiloble in which to corry your lenshood There is olso o combi notion leother cose for the A n s mm renshood ond three A 27 mm colour filters Accessory Shoe An occessoryshoe con be fixed to the Conto flex beto for mounting vqrious occessories on the comero Unscrew the block mount on the view flnder eyepie...

Page 40: ...olish the chromium ploted externol fittings occosionollywith o soft linen rog Core fully brush the exposure meter window to re move ony dust or grit Serial Numbers There is o seriol number o letter preceding o number on the bock of every Contoflex cqmero ond olso on the mount of the siondord Pontor lens You ore odvised to moke o coreful note of both these numbers os they moy be of greot help in es...

Page 41: ...e Copying Unit or the Contox copying ouifits Two exten sion tubes ore required to connect the comero io o microscope To moke focusing eosier o right ongle viewing telescope con be screwed over the viewfinder eyepiece Using Flash The Zeiss lkon copocitor floshguns folding lkoblitz F i g 3 l o n d l k o b l i t z O con boih be ottoched to the occessory shoe of the Contoflex beto Both flosh guns ore ...

Page 42: ...units l7 Synchro lever for flosh ond dbloyed octionmechonism 18 Aperture ond shutterspeed setting ring The numbers refer porily front cover 19 Exposurevolue scole 20 Shutter speed scqle 2 l Aperture scole 22 Locking keys for comero bock 23 Reversingbutton for rewinding 24 Tripod bush 25 Viewfinder eyepiece to the illustrotion inside the ...
