User Manual 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1. of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
Parallel Inverter mode
This mode allows to synchronise the charging and discharging power of multiple interconnected
hybrid inverters in order to maximise self-consumption.
Figure 75 - Single-line diagram of parallel inverter connection
Connections between inverters
The inverters must be interconnected using the cable supplied, making sure to popular the
inputs as follows:
Link port 1 of Master Inverter → Link port 0 of Slave 1 Inverter
Link port 2 of Slave 1 Inverter → Link port 0 of Slave 2 Inverter
Link port 3 of Slave 2 Inverter → Link port 0 of Slave 3 Inverter
Link port 1 of Slave n-1 Inverter → Link port 0 of Slave n Inverter
If the inverters connected are of the same size, it is possible to connect in parallel the LOAD
outputs in order to supply power to the same group of priority loads. To do this, a parallel
switchboard must be used. Make sure that the connections between each inverter and parallel
switchboard have the same length and cross-section, and have the lowest possible impedance.
It is advisable to install suitable protection on each connection line between the inverter and
the switchboard.
The total load connected to the LOAD outputs must be less than the total sum of the power
outputs of the inverters in EPS mode.