User’s Manual 1PH HYD3000-HYD6000-ZP1
Rev. 1.0 01/09/2023
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1.1 of 27/01/2023 - Application: GID
Connection of the three-phase DTSU Meter to the exchange
In case of installation of inverter 1PH HYD3000-6000-ZSS-HP on three-phase system it is possible to
install the three-phase Meter DTSU in addition to the sensors as shown in the figure.
Be sure to position the probes so that each toroid only reads the current flows related to the exchange. To
do this it is advisable to place them at the output of the exchange counter.
Figure 43 - Hybrid installation scheme with meter on the exchange
The use involves the connection of the sensors to the DTSU Meter and the connection of the latter to the
inverter through the COM port.
The sensors connected to the Meter must not be stretched for any reason (use the supplied wiring).
Figure 44 - Meter (left), CT sensors (right)