Experiencing trouble with your zBoost setup?
Please note the following important factors in determining zBoost performance:
Vertical Separation: At least 15 vertical feet is needed between the External Antenna (receives
the outside signal) and the Indoor Antenna (rebroadcasts the signal indoors). Separation less
than 15 vertical feet will result in decreased performance. Generally, increasing this distance (up
to 40 feet) will increase the performance and decreasing the distance will limit zBoost
Note: Does not apply to zBoost CONNECT products.
Proximity of metal or wireless access points:
The External Antenna must remain at least 3 feet above any metal objects such as pipes, metal
siding, A/C unit etc.
The Base Unit must remain at least 3 feet away from metal objects and other electronic devices.
Installation Tips
Determine Outdoor Signal Strength /Setting Performance Expectations
Before placing a zBoost in your home, make sure that you can place calls on the outside of your
home, in the attic, at roof level or wherever you plan to place the external antenna. zBoost can
only bring signal into your home when signal reaches the External Antenna. If there is no signal,
the zBoost will not work for you.
Using your cell phone, place a call from an outdoor location to confirm that enough signal is
present to complete the call. If a weak signal is available at ground level, check the signal
strength in your attic or at roof level location where the signal will likely be stronger and where
the External Antenna can be placed for best performance. If you can reliably make and receive
calls outside your home, then zBoost can bring the signal into your home. If only one signal bar
is displayed on your cell phone outside, indoor coverage will be limited to one small room. We
recommend placing the External Antenna outside and/or purchasing an upgrade External
Antenna for increased coverage.
Antenna Separation
At least 15 vertical feet is needed between the External Antenna (receives the outside signal) and
the Indoor Antenna (rebroadcasts the signal indoors). Separation less than 15 vertical feet will
result in decreased performance. Generally, increasing this distance (up to 40 feet) will increase
the performance and decreasing the distance will limit zBoost performance.