Zaph Audio ZRT 2.5 Way Kit Instructions
Take your time, and think about every step before taking action. It is a good idea
to clear your workspace of all non kit related parts, and lay everything out prior to
beginning. These directions reflect the way we assemble this kit when using the
MD38T cabinets and pre-cut baffles. You may have your own techniques that suit
your style or experience. Go with what you are most comfortable with.
Remove front baffle from cabinet with a Phillips head screwdriver. Keep the
screws and washers close by, you will need these again. You will not need this
baffle again.
Remove the solid brace by sliding out towards you. Remaining will be two more
braces in the cabinet that are not solid. Either discard the solid brace, or make a
series of cuts to allow free air flow like the two other braces.
*** See crossover hook up sheet *** Cut wires to proper length. You should use
~ 12” x 2 for input cup to crossover, ~ 30” for the lower woofer, ~ 40” for the top
woofer, and ~ 50” for the tweeter. Strip ends 3/8”, tin the stripped ends and solder
to the crossover boards as indicated in the hook up sheet. Observe polarity. Mark
the ends of both the input and output set of tweeter and woofer(x2) wires with a
marker or tape for easy identification later.
With all wires now attached to the crossovers, remove double sided tape strip
from the bottom of the crossover board and press the woofer crossover firmly to
the bottom of cabinet. Place the tweeter crossover on the rear wall above the input
cup cut out. For best results, get this right the first time. We have also included
some 6PAN3/4” screws that you may use to further solidify the crossover
mounting. Make certain to mount the crossover board so that the input wires are
close to the back side of the cabinet. This will allow easier access to the input cup
cutout in the cabinet.
From the back side of the cabinet, pull the wires through the input cup cutout.
Solder the wires to the input cup, low pass input wires to the bottom set of
binding posts and high pass (tweeter) input wires to the top set of binding posts.
Mount input cup into cabinet with the provided OX Oval 6x34”screws. Leave the
gold jumpers connecting the top and bottom sets of binding posts in place, unless
of course you bi-wire or bi-amp these speakers.
Cut the provided foam sheet into appropriate sized pieces to line the back and side
walls. Apply Goop to cabinet walls and the cut foam sheets, wait a minute, and
press onto appropriate walls. It is not essential to cover every square inch of the
internal cabinet walls. A double layer may be used on the rear wall.
Take provided Acousta-Stuf and split in half, one half for each speaker cabinet.
Fluff up by pulling apart in all directions, and do this multiple times. Fill the
entire cabinet with the Acousta-Stuf. Do not pack it into the cabinet, just fill it and
press it in lightly. You do not need to use all of the provided Acousta-Stuf.
Apply foam gasket tape to the internal perimeter of the cabinet, where the front
baffle will eventually rest. The purpose of this step is to ensure an airtight seal
between the baffle and cabinet. Some customers prefer to use their own alternate
sealer product, removable or permanent.