Thoroughly defrost frozen meat and poultry in the
refrigerator before cooking. Keep raw meat and poultry
separate from cooked foods.
Always wash hands after handling raw meat and
poultry, before handling any ready to eat foods.
Wipe and disinfect surfaces that have been in contact
with raw meat and poultry.
When barbecuing meat and poultry, make sure the
barbecue is extremely hot. Place the larger, thicker
portions furthest away from the most intense heat to
ensure thorough cooking without burning and turn
Use separate utensils for handling raw meat/poultry
and cooked food on the barbecue, or wash them
thoroughly between uses.
To check whether meat, particularly poultry, is cooked,
pierce the flesh with a skewer or fork; the juices should
run clear. Ensure the product is piping hot throughout.