06/40V GAS
This variation in the temperature value is effected to correct the only value taken in the
coldest part of the oven and to simulate a value near to the real one previously elaborated by
making the average between the hottest and coldest points. This allows the oven to be used
even when a probe breaks.
If the temperature measured by the probe 1 exceeds 350°C and, at the same time, probe 2
exceeds 450°C, the temperature value on the display is replaced by the flashing word “OVER”
and the alarm sounds intermittently.
You can switch off the alarm by pressing the key
necessary to call in specialists to restore functionality
When the conveyor motor is broken or sends wrong signals to the circuit board, the word
“BELT” (“RETE”) flashes on the display and the alarm sounds intermittently.
This means that the cooking time does not correspond to the set value and that specialized
personnel are required to reset the functions of the oven.
If the pressure regulator fails for 5 consecutive seconds when the fan is on, the temperature
value on the display is replaced by the flashing word “FAN”, the buzzer sounds intermittently
and the oven heating (if on) switches off. The alarm switches off automatically when the
pressure regulator contact is re-established or the oven is switched off (after the switching off
phase). The correct functioning of the pressure regulator should then be checked.
While the alarm sounds, fan and conveyor (if on) remain activated.
The buzzer can be silenced by pressing the key
If there is no pressure regulator (before switching on the fan), the word OFF is replaced by
the flashing word “PRESS”, the alarm sounds intermittently and the switching on procedure
To reset the functioning of the oven, check that the pressure regulator is working properly. To
do this, check that the pipes are connected without any constriction. If necessary, adjust the
calibration with the screw located at the centre of the pressure regulator. The buzzer can be
silenced by pressing the key