Construction & Setup Guide
Kevin J. McDonald
Design by
Fuselage Group
Wing Group
Tail Group
The viscosity Icons are important due to the ability of adhe-
sives to wick to adjacent areas. Several operations require
thick viscosities so as not to allow the adhesive to find its
way to unwanted areas. They also corresponds to cure
times. Some operations require you have a longer working
time, so read ahead and prepare for the next operation
Tack Moderate Finish
The Zip 33V2 has been designed to take advantage of Cyano based adhesives. However, several
substitutes are available such as epoxies and high quality resin glues for wood. Whether you use
Cyano based adhesives, or your preferred adhesives, throughout construction, the drop chart will
guide you to the quantity of adhesive, and the viscosity required for a given operation. Very little
adhesive is required to build this kit, and a fine nozzle is recommended for all viscosities. Weight
is critical to light air performance, so be conservative when building
Throughout this guide you will see “No Accel-
erants” and “No Adhesive”. Plywood retains
residual chemicals and the use of accelerators
will cause many problems for subsequent
operations by causing premature curing
Some operations may require
silicone adhesive. If you need
to substitute, use a flexible
adhesive that can be
detached with force
Some operations may require the use of accelera-
tors. This is to save you the need for long-term
clamping of the structure. When using non cyano
adhesives, set up clamping methods and consider
tape to hold the parts in place till cured
Thank you for purchasing the Z33V2 by Zaerotech. This new version of the Z33 has been designed to give you maximum flexibility in electronic component
selection, as well as allowing for an ePower variant in the same kit
I’ve put a special effort into making this kit technically satisfying for the intermediate to advanced builder. Tolerances are tight, considering the material
and its thickness variations. So take your time, dry fit everything first, don’t overdue the adhesive, but most of all, have fun
Always check the Z33 product page at for the latest construction manual. It updates about once a month, and is a must, to ensure you
have up-to-date information
Download the construction manual and 3D content at
Follow the glue guides:
The Zip33V2 is a complex structure.
Don’t be tempted into taking shortcuts
or substituting glue viscosities
Special tools:
Several parts are included to aid in the precision
construction of the Zip33. In addition, you should
have a small triangle or square approximately 3
inches on the longest side. A small fine tooth saw,
and sandpaper with a selection of blocks and pads
Sanding & Fitting Laser cut parts:
Carefully sand the cut (Black) surfaces with 400 grit . You do not need to remove the
black, just sand to remove the cut tabs, and render a cleaner surface for the adhesive.
Laser cutting systems share the same tolerance limitations common to all CNC equip-
ment. Wood also varies in thickness. Therefore, you may find it necessary to sand or file
some parts to get a flush or aligned fit. Test fit everything before you apply adhesive
Thoroughly test all electronics before
installing. The recommended electronics
have been chosen based on reliability
and robustness. However, testing and
centering before installation is a must
Separating Laser cut parts:
Parts are designed to break-out
easily. You should however, use a
sharp #11 blade. Cut both sides of the
small bridging tab connecting the
wood parts to the sheet