Rev. Date 9/16/10
© 2010 Ardisam, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Owner's Manual
Universal Mount ATV Backrest TX218
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
Yutrax offers a full line of Engineered Outdoor Gear. We appreciate your
purchase of one of our world class ATV Backrests. Follow these few
simple instructions and your product will be sure to give you many years
of trouble free pleasure. Instructions should be kept in a safe place and
reviewed at least annually.
If for any reason you have a problem with your product, DO NOT return to
the retailer, contact the Yutrax customer service department M-F from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. at 800-345-6007 for assistance.
assembly INsTrucTIONs:
NOTE: This ATV Backrest was universally designed to fit most
brands of ATV's with both steel and composite (plastic) racks.
NOTE: If attaching to a composite rack, you may need to drill
17/64" (0.266”) holes in the composite rack if existing holes do
not align with mounting brackets.
1. Attach both the mount tubes (48172) to the backrest frame (48171)
using (2) provided 1/4-20 x 2-1/2” bolts, nylon washers, nylon spacers
and locknuts. see FIGure 1a & 1b. Tighten securely. be sure not to
over tighten or crush tubing when tightening!
2. Attach both flat bars (LL9A) to the outside of backrest frame using (2)
provided 1/4-20 x 1-1/4” bolts, nylon washers and locknuts. see FIGure
1a & 1b. Tighten securely. be sure not to over tighten or crush tubing
when tightening!
3. Insert provided spring lock pins through flat bars and mount tubes in
desired hole location. Backrest angle can be adjusted in multiple positions
and can also be folded flat. see FIGure 1a & 1b
4. Place backrest pad (200305) over the backrest frame by sliding frame
into pocket on backside of pad. Wrap bottom flap around bottom cross
brace on frame and secure Velcro together. Padded side should be on
front side with pockets to the rear.
5. Place backrest on the rear rack of your ATV. Make sure backrest is centered
from left to right with backrest pad facing forward.
6. Slide one mount slide weldment (48173) onto each mount tube. see
FIGure 1a & 1b. The plate side of slide mounts must face down so they
are against the rack of your ATV. Plates can face inward, towards each
other, or outward, away from each other depending on how they align
with your ATV rack.
7. Attach the slide mounts to your ATV rack using (2) provided U-bolts with
locknuts Or using (4) provided 1/4-20 x 1-1/2” bolts with backup plates
& locknuts. Either option will work depending on if you have a steel or
composite (plastic) rack on your ATV. The U-bolt option may work better
for steel tube ATV racks. see FIGure 1a & 1b
Figure 1A
slide backrest mount
tube backrest mount
reaD, uNDersTaND aND FOllOw all assembly, IN-
sPecTION, maINTeNaNce & use INsTrucTIONs PrO-
VIDeD beFOre eacH use. FaIlure TO FOllOw all
warNINGs aND INsTrucTIONs cOulD resulT IN serI-
Ous INJury Or DeaTH.
IF aNy INsTrucTIONs are NOT uNDersTOOD Or IF yOu
HaVe a ParTs Issue call 800-345-6007 beFOre usING.
be sure TO PerIODIcally cHecK all NuT aND bOlTs FOr TIGHTNess.
OVer TIme, NuTs aND bOlTs may becOme lOOse FrOm VIbraTION.
be cerTaIN sPrING PINs are laTcHeD TO PreVeNT accIDeNTal
NeVer eXceeD THe aTV maNuFacTurers recOmmeNDeD
weIGHT raTINGs FOr racK lOaDING.
NeVer DrIVe ON HIlly TerraIN. eXcessIVe weIGHT caN cause
weIGHT sHIFTs wHIcH caN leaD TO lOss OF cONTrOl OF yOur
DO NOT use eXcessIVe sPeeDs wHIle usING THIs PrODucT.
eXcessIVe weIGHT caN cause weIGHT sHIFTs wHIcH caN leaD
TO lOss OF cONTrOl OF yOur aTV.
always mOuNT THIs aTV bacKresT TO THe rear racK OF
yOur aTV.
INsPecT beFOre eacH & eVery use TO be sure THere Is NO
PrODucT DamaGe Or lOOse/mIssING bOlTs & HarDware.
NeVer use a DamaGeD aTV bacKresT.
NeVer use uNDer THe INFlueNce OF alcOHOl Or DruGs.
NeVer use carelessly - THINK saFeTy!