Peristaltic Pump Tube Replacement
Inspect and clean the pump tubing and rollers on a regular basis. Replace the pump tube (item # 0901062) when it has
become dirty or worn out. Cleaning and/or replacing the pump tube may also prove helpful if the ProSample displays
an error message during a program.
YSI does not have a recommended replacement interval for the peristaltic pump tube, as the lifetime of the tube
varies based on application. As an example, if the sampler is used at the outlet of a plant, the sampling environment is
likely relatively clean with little/no solids. However, if samples are collected at the inlet, the tube may have a very short
lifetime due to the amount of solids in solution. YSI recommends always having a spare peristaltic pump tube available.
The inside of the pump tube can be cleaned with a sponge. Cut a 12x12 mm piece of sponge and go
. You can choose to run the pump forward
(suction) and backward (purging). Moisten the sponge, hold it to a tube end and let it “suck” through the
tube. It works in both directions. Repeat until the hose is clean again.
Use of tubing other than that supplied by the manufacturer may cause excessive wear on mechanical
parts and/or poor pump performance.
There is an extra pump tube included with each ProSample unit. It can be found inside the ProSample lid. Please refer
Installing the Peristaltic Pump Tube
on page 16 when replacing the peristaltic pump tube.
Do NOT attempt to replace the peristaltic pump tube or service the pump while the ProSample
is ON. The moving components of the pump can cause serious injury.
The ProSample should be kept clean, especially the parts exposed to the sample such as the dosing unit, water
sensors, distributor, bottles and suction hose. Failure to do so could result in damage not covered by the warranty.
Clean the interior and exterior of the housing with a damp, lint-free cloth. Commercial household cleaner in water can
be used if needed.
Clean the unit around the distributor arm as required.
Do not manually rotate the distributor arm, as it can cause permanent damage to the drive. If you
need to move the arm, go to
Component Test
. Enter the bottle
position you would like the arm to move to.
In addition to the peristaltic pump tube, also ensure the suction hose, distributor tube, and the intermediate tube are
clean. Replace if necessary.
Maintenance and Cleaning