YSI 5X00
YSI 5X00
The Configure Aux menu will display temperature configured channels as
“disabled”. This is because aux systems configured as temperature channels no
longer function as analog aux channels, but rather function as a temperature
sensor system.
The Sensor Setup menu - page 138 is automatically enabled when an aux 3-6
channel is configured for temperature.
Aux temperature, E-Aux and ODO temperature values are not accessible at
the 5X00. Temperature readings can only be obtained using AquaManager.
Readings will be shown in the AquaManager datalog in either °C or °F based
on the user configured temperature display format.
Celsius temperature set point, control, and alarm values are configured to the
10ths place. Fahrenheit values are configured to the 100ths place; however,
fahrenheit display values and temperature system operation are based on
values truncated to the 10ths digit.
See 30 Second Sensor Hold Off
- page 163.
Temperature display format (°C or °F) is user selectable. Changing the
temperature units automatically adjusts set points to new temperature units.
Temperature readings are stored in the sensor data log in °C regardless of
display format.
Temperature values affect DO readings. It is important that the temperature
sensor is reporting accurately.
Configuring the 5X00
When disabling an aux temperature system that has been assigned to a DO
channel, be sure to reconfigure the user defined temp source or enable another
aux temperature source for that DO system.
DO 1-4
Menus → Sensor Setup→DO 1-4
Salinity & Temp Compensation for DO Measurements
In order to report accurate DO values, the salinity and temperature of the water
around the sensor must be known and compensated for. For accurate DO mg/L
readings, the salinity value of the water being monitored should be entered as a ppt
(parts per thousand) value in the DO salinity menu.
Each DO system uses the temperature value from the configured temperature
sensor or user defined value entered in the DO sensor set up temperature source
menu. Aux temperature systems can be assigned to any of the four DO systems.
The DO system temperature compensation value is always taken from the tem-
perature sensor in the ODO probe.
Changes to salinity affect DO mg/L value.
Changes to salinity do not affect DO % sat values.
Configure a temperature source or enter a user defined value for each en-
abled DO system. Verify that the configured temperature value or assigned
temperature sensor is accurate for the water system being monitored around
the DO sensor.
Two Range Controls for DO
Each 5X00 DO sensor input has two low and two high control ranges when in Set
Point Control mode This dual range allows for more control over oxygen levels in
the water system. Example - DO Set Point Control range low control becomes active
causing the air injection system wired/configured to relay #1 to energize. DO levels
continue to fall, activating range low control two a pure oxygen injection system
wired and configured to relay #2.
Configuring the 5X00