4.4 Launch
This section will detail how to safely deploy the EcoMapper. Always choose a location to launch the vehicle that is
safe for both you and the AUV. Most boats and docks make excellent platforms, but the vehicle can be launched from
nearly anywhere where you can gain access to obstruction free water.
Once a mission has been downloaded and a pre-launch check has been performed, typical launch procedure is as
1. Water deployment
2. Manually drive the vehicle away from the launch point.
3. Start Mission.
4. Immediately perform post-launch check.
4.41 Water Deployment
Take care not bump the AUV on hard surfaces as you lower it into the water. Hold onto the vehicle until you are
ready to assume manual control of the vehicle or begin the mission.
Always observe personal safety precautions when you launch the vehicle. Lift with your legs and keep your
back straight. Beware wet and slick surfaces. Think ahead as you prepare to pick up the vehicle.
4.42 Manual Vehicle Operation
You may access manual mode by clicking ‘Go On’ on the primary UVC screen. Manual control only
functions when the vehicle is in WiFi range. If you drive the vehicle out of communications range (this
includes underwater), you will need to physically get closer to the vehicle with the Communications Box
and reestablish a WiFi and Remote Desktop connection. You will drive the vehicle using either scroll bars
or virtual joystick.
• Scroll Bars
–operate by dragging the box or clicking the arrows
• Top bar
(Yaw Left-Right)–Steers the vehicle left and right.
• Left bar
(Speed)–Increases or decreases vehicle speed in forward or reverse. Halfway is neutral, above half is
forward, below half is reverse.
• Bottom bar
(Roll)–Avoid rolling the vehicle while in the water to prevent the antennae from submerging.
• Lowest bar
(Pitch)–Avoid adjusting pitch when you manually operate the vehicle to avoid losing WiFi
connection with the vehicle. Moving the bar to the right dives the vehicle, moving the bar to the left brings
the vehicle to the surface.
Virtual Joystick
To drive the vehicle with the virtual joystick, you will click and drag the center of the black circle. The red line indicates
• Move the circle up to move forwards.
• Move the circle down to move backwards.
• Move the circle to the right to turn right.
• Move the circle to the left to turn left.
Due to the nature of control planes, the vehicle must be in motion to turn. All movements of the circle directly
correlate to the behavior of the ‘Speed’ and ‘Yaw’ bars. Observe the left side of the ‘Manual Mode’ window to monitor
vehicle navigation statistics.
You cannot alter pitch in ‘Manual Mode.’ The fins are automatically angled up to prevent the vehicle from
diving. This prevents the vehicle from losing connectivity due to an accidental dive.