4.2 Transfer Data/Files
This section assumes that you have a working knowledge of VectorMap, the UVC, and the vehicle’s Remote
Desktop connection. If you do not, please refer to the appropriate sections.
4.21 Transfer Missions into the AUV (Pre-Mission)
Once you have created a mission in VectorMap, you must transfer it to the vehicle in order to execute it on the
EcoMapper. Before you begin to transfer data, ensure that both the Communications Box and the vehicle are powered
on and that your computer is connected to the vehicle via Remote Desktop. (Refer to Section 4.12.)
Using Windows® XP
1. Locate and open the folder on your laptop in which you saved the desired mission.
2. Leaving that window open, go to ‘Start’ > ‘My Network Places,’ then double-click the icon associated with the
3. Open the ‘Missions’ folder.
4. Copy and paste the mission from your laptop into the ‘Missions’ folder on the EcoMapper.
If the vehicle’s folders do not appear in ‘My Network Places.’
1. Click ‘Start.’
2. Click ‘Run.’
3. Enter two backslashes (\\) and the vehicle’s IP address—192.168.1.XXX (refer to Section 4.12 if you do not
remember the vehicle’s IP address).
Using Windows ® Vista
1. Go to ‘Start’ > ‘File Manager.’
2. In one panel, open the folder that contains the desired mission, in the other panel, open the EcoMapper’s
‘Missions’ folder.
3. Copy and paste the mission from your laptop into the ‘Missions’ folder on the EcoMapper.
4.22 Transfer Missions into the UVC
Now that you have moved missions into the Remote Desktop of the EcoMapper, you must load them into the vehicle’s
operating program, the UVC.
1. Open the UVC (double-click the UVC icon on Remote Desktop).
2. Click ‘Load Mission.’
3. Locate the desired mission in the ‘Missions’ folder and click 'Open.'
The mission should now appear on the UVC’s main window along with statistics on mission. If you click ‘Start Mission’
now, the vehicle will execute the mission. Do not launch the vehicle until you have performed the pre-launch check
and are familiar with all vehicle operation.
4.23 Transfer Data from the AUV (Post-Mission)
Following a completed run, the UVC automatically downloads all mission information into the Remote Desktop into
its designated folder.
• Missions
• Logs
• Sonar
To retrieve log and/or sonar data, open your computer’s file transfer window (‘Network Places’ in XP or ‘File Manager’
in Vista. Copy and paste the log and sonar files from the designated folders into the desired folders in your laptop. To
read answers to a few common questions concerning the log file, please refer to the note in section 3.52.