Form 201.28-NM1.1
Issue date: 08/06/2021
quarterly to ensure that the integrity of the coils and
the warranty of the coils are maintained. In environ-
ments where there are high levels of pollution or cor-
rosive elements a monthly cleaning procedure using
steps 1, 2 and 7 below is recommended in addition to
the quarterly cleaning using steps 1-8:
1. Remove surface debris such as dirt, leaves, in-
sects or fibers with a vacuum cleaner having a
soft brush attachment. When brushing debris off
the face of the coil a soft bristle brush, not wire,
can also be used. Do not scrape the coil with the
vacuum nozzle, air nozzle, or any other hard tool.
2. Rinse the coil with potable tap water. Use a gentle
spray from a spray nozzle with a plastic end. Do
not contact the coil with the hose nozzle. Rinse
the coil by running water through every passage
in the heat exchanger surface until it is clean.
3. Apply a coil cleaning solution approved by John-
son Controls. Johnson Controls approves the use
of RectorSeal brand GulfClean
coil cleaner on
Environment Guard Premium microchannel coils
only. Coil cleaning solution is available from
Johnson Controls Aftermarket Parts Centers in all
global regions. Mix the correct amount of cleaner
solution and water in accordance with the manu-
facturer’s directions on the container. Use a hand-
held pump sprayer to apply the mixed cleaner so-
lution on the coils. Ensure that the entire surface
of the coils is wetted with the solution. Allow the
cleaning solution to remain on each of the coils
for approximately 10 min.
4. Repeat the water rinse as described in Step 2 to
remove the cleaning solution.
5. Apply a salt reducer solution approved by John-
son Controls. Johnson Controls approves the use
of RectorSeal brand GulfClean
salt reducer
on Environment Guard Premium microchannel
coils only. Salt reducer solution is available from
Johnson Controls Aftermarket Parts Centers in all
global regions. Mix the correct amount of salt re-
ducer solution and water in accordance with the
manufacturer's directions on the container. Use
a hand-held pump sprayer to apply the solution
on the coils. Ensure that the entire surface of the
coils are wetted with the solution. Allow the salt
reducer solution to remain on each of the coils for
approximately 10 mins.
6. Repeat the water rinse as described in Step 2 to
remove the salt reducer solution. The final rinse
should be thorough to ensure all cleaning solu-
tion and salt reducer solution is removed from the
7. It is important to remove any excess water trapped
in the coils imemdiately after the final water rinse.
The condenser fans on the chiller can be run af-
ter the final water rinse to properly dry the coils.
Any excess water can also be removed by blow-
ing air through the coils with a hand helf blower
or vacuum.
8. Visually inspect the Environment Guard Premi-
um coating for any damage, degradation, or bare
spots. If touch up of the coating is necessary, fol-
low the process and materials approved by John-
son Controls in the condenser coil repair guide.
Part number (P/N)
Cleaner, coil, 4-1 gal
Cleaner, coil, 1 gal
Reducer, salt, 4-1 gal
Reducer, salt, 1 gal
Chilled liquid system maintenance
Whenever the chilled liquid system requires main-
tenance, adhere to and observe all precautions noted
Scheduled maintenance
The maintenance operations detailed in the following
table should be carried out on a regular basis by a suit-
ably qualified Service Engineer. It should be noted that
the interval necessary between each ‘minor’ and ‘ma-
jor’ service can vary depending on, for instance, appli-
cation, site conditions and expected operating sched-
ule. Normally a ‘minor’ service should be carried out
every three to six months and a ‘major’ service once a
year. It is recommended that your local Johnson Con-
trols Service Center is contacted for recommendations
for individual sites.
Thermal dispersion flow switch
Check the sensor tip for buildup regularly, because it
can affect the sensitivity of the sensor.
In case of any buildup at the sensor tip, use a soft cloth
to remove it. Use vinegar as the cleaning agent to re-
move any stubborn buildup if necessary.