FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
The Power Supply provides the DC power for the
LCD Display and all the printed circuit boards in the
OptiView Control Center. It receives a 102 VAC to
132 VAC input from an external power source and
provides the following DC outputs:
• -12 VDC
• +12 VDC
• +5 VDC
• +24 VDC
• Ground
The +24 VDC output provides power to the CM-2
Board (Electromechanical Starter applications), Solid
State Starter Logic Board (Mod A Solid State Starter),
Solid State Starter Logic/Trigger Board (Mod B Solid
State Starter) or Adaptive Capacity Control (ACC)
(Variable Speed Drive applications). If the Chiller
is equipped with Proximity probe Part number 025-
30961-000 or 025-35900-000, the Probe is also pow-
ered by this +24 VDC.
The -12 VDC, +12 VDC, GND and +5 VDC outputs
are applied to the microboard. There, these voltages are
applied to the circuits requiring the respective voltage.
From the microboard, the +12 VDC and +5 VDC are
distributed to other system components requiring these
voltages. These include the E-Link Gateway, Proxim-
ity probe (025-xxxxx-000 only), I/O Board, VSD Oil
Pump, LCD Display and Display Backlight Inverter
Board. The Condor Power Supply allows adjustment
of the +5 VDC output. To account for losses in wiring
and connections and ensure sufficient voltage level at
the microboard input, the “V AdJ” (R51) potentiometer
is adjusted to a5.1 VDC at the input to the mi-
croboard J1-1.
As shown in
Microboard) and
000 Microboard), the microboard contains two voltage
regulators that create se5 VDC and +3.3 VDC
supplies. The +5 VDC supply is dedicated to all the mi-
croboard Analog circuits and is labeled as the +5 VDC
(Analog) supply. It is also routed to all Pressure Trans-
ducers, Temperature Thermistors, Proximity probe and
Motor Controller Board (CM-2, Mod A Solid State
Starter Logic Board or VSD ACC Board).
This permits all Analog circuits to be powered by the
same supply, eliminating any offsets caused by volt-
age regulator drift. Microboard 031-02430-000 has an
additional voltage regulator that provides a 2.5 VDC
power source. The +3.3 VDC supply is utilized by the
Microprocessor, Flash memory card and other digital
circuits. It could also be applied to the Backlight In-
verter Board, depending on the Display manufacturer’s
requirements as explained below.
Different Display manufacturers can require differ-
ent supply voltages for their display and supporting
circuits. To accommodate the different Display manu-
facturer’s voltage requirements, Microboard Program
Jumpers JP2 and JP5 must be positioned to provide the
required supply voltages to the Display and the Dis-
play Backlight Inverter Board. 5 VDC or +3.3
VDC, as determined by JP2, is applied to the Display.
12 VDC or +5 VDC, as determined by JP5, is
applied to the Display Backlight Inverter Board. Refer
to Microboard Program Jumpers.
The chiller could be equipped with either of two Prox-
imity probes. The power supply requirements are dif-
ferent for these Probes. All probes operate from a +5
VDC power source. Probe 025-30961-000 and Probe
025-35900-000 require a +24 VDC source that is
tapped off of the supply to the CM-2 Current Mod-
ule (Electromechanical Starter applications), Solid
State Starter Logic Board (Solid State Starter applica-
tions) or ACC Board (VSD applications) as shown in
The 031-03630-001 Microboard has a different J1
power connector and therefore requires a different
power supply wiring harness. The new wiring harness
part number is 571-06765-272.