Johnson Controls Unitary Products
Mechanical cooling stages have two monitoring circuits:
low pressure and high pressure. They are connected to the
control through the LPSx and HPSx terminals. These allow
the control to track specific error alarms, and let the control
energize the next available compressor.
* 25 Ton R22 does not apply.
For units without optional head pressure control:
the outside air temperature rises above 50 °F, the control
enables all mechanical cooling stages. If the outside air
temperature falls below 40 °F and the unit does not have
head pressure control, mechanical cooling stages are
locked out.
For units with head pressure control:
The first and
second mechanical cooling stages are enabled when the
ambient temperature rises above 10°F. When the ambi-
ent temperature rises above 50°F, the third (on 30 and
40 ton R22 (and all R410a units)) and fourth (40 ton R22
only (and all R410a units)) stage mechanical cooling are
enabled. If the outside air temperature falls below 40°F,
mechanical cooling stages 3 and 4 (40 ton R22 only
(and all R410a units)) are locked out. If the outside air
temperature falls below 0°F, all mechanical cooling
stages are locked out. On units with optional heating,
any call for heating engages the supply fan. Operation of
heating is dependent upon the APS closure.
When all run rules are satisfied, cooling stages are available. A
call for first stage cooling, Y1, initiates the control rules for
cooling. When the control is satisfied [temperature, short
cycling timing, safety circuits, etc.], it sends voltage out terminal
C1 to contactor 1M for compressor 1. If compressor 1 is not
available, the control will start compressor 2 via C2 / 2M.
In Occupied mode, the economizer is enabled [if installed and
the parameter set in the control]; if free cooling is available, the
economizer will energize in place of the first cooling stage.
A thermostat call for second stage cooling powers terminal Y2,
third stage powers Y3 (30 and 40 ton R22 (and all R410a units))
and fourth stage powers Y4 (40 ton R22 (and all R410a units)).
These thermostat calls are entered into the control's logic, and
available cooling stages brought on to meet the demand.
The economizer may function when all mechanical
cooling stages are locked out on low ambient.
When the control calls for Compressor 1 (25 ton R22), or
Compressor 1 or 2 (30 and 40 ton R22 (and all R410a
units)), it will also call condenser fan CF1 stage 1 through
CTB1- terminal 13, powering the coil of contactor 6M (con-
denser fan 1). On 25 ton units, condenser fan 2 (contactor
7M) is brought on by PS5 if discharge pressure on com-
pressor 1 exceeds 280 psi R22 (360 psi R-410a). Fan 2
drops out if discharge pressure drops below 180 psi R22
(300 psi R410a); condenser fan 4 (contactor 9M) is brought
on by PS6 monitoring discharge pressure on compressor
A control call for Compressor 2 powers contactor 2M
through terminal C2, and CF2 (fan 3) through CTB1- termi-
nal 10 on 25 ton units. On 30 and 40 ton R22 (and all
R410a units), because fans 1 and 2 pull through coils for
both circuit 1 and circuit 2, the coil of contactor 7M (con-
denser fan 2) is powered in turn through either of con-
denser fan cycling switches PS5 or PS6, which enables
condenser fan 2 operation if the discharge pressure of
Compressor 1 or Compressor 2 exceeds 280 psi R22 (360
psi R410a).
30 and 40 ton R22 (and all R410a units):
A call for Com-
pressor 3 powers contactor 3M (contactor, compressor 3)
from terminal C3. A call for Compressor 3 or 4 also powers
CTB1- terminal 14, second stage condenser fans (contac-
tor 8M, condenser fan 3, and also contactor 9M, condenser
fan 4 - 40 ton only).
40 Ton R22 (and all R410a units):
A call for Compressor 4
powers the coil of contactor 4M from terminal C4, and also
makes a parallel CR3-2 call to condenser fans CF3(8M)
and CF4(9M) with contact CR4-2.
Standard Gas Heat Option, Stage 1
: A W1 call locks out
cooling and initiates the control logic for Heat 1. The supply
fan is engaged, at full speed if VAV-equipped. Once APS
(air proving switch) closes to acknowledge supply airflow,
power is supplied from terminal H1, which engages Ignition
Control 1 (IC1) at heat module terminal W. 24V is supplied
to IC1 at terminal R/24V, and to the overtemp limit switch
LS1, which opens only with excessive heat exchanger tem-
perature, on each gas heat module. That switch is moni-
tored by connecting each limit switch to the LIM1, 2, or 3
terminal at the Simplicity board. IC1 closes contacts to
engage Draft Motor 1. After motor starts, negative pressure
closes PS1, PS2 or PS3.
With safeties in normal state, IC1 will attempt ignition. IC1
provides direct spark ignition with flame verification, and
controls the GV1 gas valve through manual reset switch
RS1 (rollout switch). If RS1 has tripped, GV1 is locked out
and IC1 will electronically lockout after three failed ignition
attempts. The Simplicity control monitors voltage to the gas
valves through terminals GV1-3.
When the W1 call is canceled, power is removed from IC1,
which directs IC1 to close GV1. As long as APS continues
to prove supply fan airflow, IC1 remains powered and
keeps the draft motor contacts closed for 30 seconds to
maintain the operation of Draft Motor 1 for a postpurge of
the heat exchanger.
Standard Gas Heat Option, Stages 2 and 3
: The Millen-
nium Simplicity responds to W2 and W3 similarly to W1, if
the unit is equipped with second and third heat modules.
Table 6: Cooling Stage, R22 (R410a)
Cooling Mode
Economizer (N/A)
Compressor 1
Compressor 1
Compressor 2
Compressor 2
Compressor 3
*Compressor 3
Compressor 4