IM WT5000-01EN
Power Range
The measurement ranges (power ranges) of active power (P), apparent power (S), and reactive power (Q) are
as follows:
Wiring System
Power Range
1P2W (single-phase two-wire)
Current range × voltage range
1P3W (single-phase three-wire)
3P3W (three-phase three-wire)
3P3W (3V3A, three-voltage
three-current method)
Voltage range × current range × 2
(when the voltage and current ranges on the elements in the
wiring unit are set to the same range)
3P4W (three-phase four-wire)
Voltage range × current range × 3
(when the voltage and current ranges on the elements in the
wiring unit are set to the same range)
• When the result of the equation voltage range × current range exceeds 1000 W (VA or var), the displayed unit
changes to kW (kVA or kvar).
• Number of displayed digits (display resolution)
For a detailed list of the available voltage and current range combinations and power ranges when all the
elements have the same voltage or current range, see appendix 4 in the Getting Started Guide, IM WT5000-
In auto range mode, because the voltage and current ranges switch independently according to range
increase and decrease conditions, different power ranges may be set for the same power value.
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)